Zoho Chat - Chrome Web Store
Logotypbild för objektet Zoho Chat

Zoho Chat


1 betyg

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Media för objektet: 1 skärmbild
Media för objektet: 2 skärmbild
Media för objektet: 3 skärmbild
Media för objektet: 4 skärmbild
Media för objektet: 5 skärmbild
Media för objektet: 1 skärmbild
Media för objektet: 1 skärmbild
Media för objektet: 2 skärmbild
Media för objektet: 3 skärmbild
Media för objektet: 4 skärmbild
Media för objektet: 5 skärmbild


Zoho Chat combines content and communications into a single view to give you a comprehensive picture of your team's work.…

Zoho Chat combines content and communications into a single view to give you a comprehensive picture of your team's work. ​-Zoho Chat brings the informality and creativity of messaging to workplace communication to help you get stuff done. -Stay connected with your team in real-time. -Zoho chat is free to use for as long as you want and with an unlimited number of people. -Search for anything you need from a single box - messages, chats, contacts, groups and channels. -Chat with individuals or groups using real-time messaging. -Create ad-hoc chats by adding contacts to messaging sessions. -Trade business information from anywhere with file and photo sharing. -Move seamlessly between Zoho Chat's web and mobile versions. -Find important conversations and business information with Zoho Chat's contextual search. -Lighten the mood with fun and unique emoticons. -Send messages even when your device is not connected to the internet. Your messages will be delivered when you come back online. -Mobile apps from Zoho chat have some really cool features to enhance productivity and ensures you are connect with your team form anywhere

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  • Version
  • Uppdaterat
    24 februari 2016
  • Storlek
  • Språk
    54 språk
  • Utvecklare
    Zoho Corporation
    4141 Hacienda Drive Pleasanton, California 94588 USA
  • Icke-näringsidkare
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