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Zabbix Notifier

38 ratings


16 support issues

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Rustam O

Nov 28, 2017

stopped working with Zabbix 3.4.4

just always green and nothing inside of window, when you open it.

Dmitriy Mitko

Nov 22, 2017

not work with zabbix 3.4

successful login and nothing display

Claudio Palonsky

Mar 3, 2017

Mutiple Zabbix Servers

There is any posibility to connect to multiple Zabbix Servers ?

Areg Vrtanesyan

Jun 22, 2016

Compatibility with version 3.x


Looks like that host names are vanished after Server update to latest verion of 3.0.x ...

API change?


Андрей Карпенцов

Oct 30, 2015

Порядок отображения тригеров

Подскажите можно ли чтобы сортировка тригеров была по времени?

Zombo Brain

Oct 26, 2015

Hide Ack Events won't work

When we enable "Hide Ack Events" the Plugin switches to green and shows zero triggers.

Its a pitty, that we can't use that function.

Антон Ч. (ZAP13)

Mar 15, 2015


constantly use your utility, there is a need to change the sound to something bigger and louder.

Zombo Brain

Jan 23, 2015

Icon never turns orange

Warnings are Yellow
Average is orange
High is red

If the highest warning is Average, the icon is yellow.
If the highest warning is Average, the icon is still yellow.
If the highest warning is High the icon turns red.

So in fact I never recognize, when there is an average warning.

Could you fix the color display please?

Евгений Веракса

Nov 19, 2014

Not works with Zabbix 2.4

I have a problem - "Zabbix notifier" does not work with Zabbix 2.4. I hope you solve this problem in the near future.
Thank you for the best plugin for Zabbix !!!

Zombo Brain

Jun 3, 2014

Chrome 35 breaks auto refresh

Seit Chrome auf Version 35 aktualisiert wurde, muss es massive Änderungen gegeben haben. Der Notifier aktualisiert sich nicht mehr automatisch, sondern nur noch wenn man auf "Settings -> Save" drückt. Dadurch übersieht man schnell Meldungen.
Ich bitte dringend um Hilfe. Danke!

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