Summarize YouTube videos, web articles, and PDFs to save time, powered by ChatGPT, Claude, Mistral AI, and Gemini.
YouTube Summary with ChatGPT & Claude is a free Chrome Extension that lets you quickly summarize YouTube videos, web articles, and PDF you're consuming. Use this extension to save time and learn more quicker. YouTube videos, web articles, and PDF summarization functions are powered by ChatGPT (OpenAI), Claude (Anthropic), Mistral AI and Google Gemini. ## What are the benefits of using YouTube Summary with ChatGPT & Claude? The main benefits are saving time, increasing productivity, and improving learning. YouTube Summary with ChatGPT & Claude reduces the need to watch long videos when you're just looking for the main points. The summaries let you absorb information quickly so you can spend time on other tasks. ## How do I use YouTube Summary with ChatGPT & Claude? Using YouTube Summary is easy. After installing the browser extension, simply open a YouTube video you'd like to summarize. Click the YouTube Summary icon in your browser toolbar, and it will generate a summary and provide an option to access the video transcript if available. You will see a summary of the video with or without timestamps. You can click on the timestamps to jump to the corresponding part of the video. You can also click the "Copy Transcript" button to copy the transcript of the YouTube video to your clipboard. ## Can I customize the length of the YouTube video summaries? Yes, you can customize the length of the video summaries generated by YouTube Summary. Adjust the settings within the extension to tailor the summaries to your preferred level of detail. Also, you can customize the prompt to use to summarize the content. ## Is YouTube Summary with ChatGPT & Claude suitable for educational purposes? Yes, YouTube Summary with ChatGPT & Claude is a valuable tool for educational purposes. It provides concise summaries and transcripts that can aid in research, studying, and learning from YouTube videos. ## Can YouTube Summary with ChatGPT & Claude handle videos in languages other than English? Yes, YouTube Summary is capable of summarizing videos in multiple languages, making it a valuable tool for international users. You can also choose what language you want the transcript to be in. Fore more details, please visit the website: https://glasp.co/youtube-summary
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yifend tsai2024年11月9日
【一、插件的高效表现】这个插件非常实用,能够直接通过ChatGPT生成内容总结,节省了我大量观看视频的时间。 【二、10月的技术问题】10月份时,经常出现需要点击两次按钮才能成功生成总结的问题。第一次点击时只会打开ChatGPT页面,第二次点击则会重新打开一个ChatGPT页面,并自动传送YouTube视频文本进行总结。 【三、11月问题已解决】截至11月6日,这个问题已得到解决,但目前出现了新的问题。 【四、新问题:默认英文总结提示】目前,当我点击字幕旁边的“Summarize Video”按钮时,虽然能生成总结,但默认调用的是英文提示词“Summarize the following content in 5-10 bullet points with timestamp if it's transcript.”,所以生成的总结也是英文的。 【五、中文自定义设置未被应用】尽管我在设置中将默认语言设为中文,并自定义了提示词为“用简体中文将以下内容总结成详细的清单,以便我保存成笔记”,但此设置仅在点击播放列表上方的“Summarize Video (Open New Tab)”时... 顯示更多