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YouTube Summary with ChatGPT & Claude

1.6K ratings

ExtensionTools1,000,000 users
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Summarize YouTube videos, web articles, and PDFs to save time, powered by ChatGPT, Claude, Mistral AI, and Gemini.

YouTube Summary with ChatGPT & Claude is a free Chrome Extension that lets you quickly summarize YouTube videos, web articles, and PDF you're consuming. Use this extension to save time and learn more quicker. YouTube videos, web articles, and PDF summarization functions are powered by ChatGPT (OpenAI), Claude (Anthropic), Mistral AI and Google Gemini. ## What are the benefits of using YouTube Summary with ChatGPT & Claude? The main benefits are saving time, increasing productivity, and improving learning. YouTube Summary with ChatGPT & Claude reduces the need to watch long videos when you're just looking for the main points. The summaries let you absorb information quickly so you can spend time on other tasks. ## How do I use YouTube Summary with ChatGPT & Claude? Using YouTube Summary is easy. After installing the browser extension, simply open a YouTube video you'd like to summarize. Click the YouTube Summary icon in your browser toolbar, and it will generate a summary and provide an option to access the video transcript if available. You will see a summary of the video with or without timestamps. You can click on the timestamps to jump to the corresponding part of the video. You can also click the "Copy Transcript" button to copy the transcript of the YouTube video to your clipboard. ## Can I customize the length of the YouTube video summaries? Yes, you can customize the length of the video summaries generated by YouTube Summary. Adjust the settings within the extension to tailor the summaries to your preferred level of detail. Also, you can customize the prompt to use to summarize the content. ## Is YouTube Summary with ChatGPT & Claude suitable for educational purposes? Yes, YouTube Summary with ChatGPT & Claude is a valuable tool for educational purposes. It provides concise summaries and transcripts that can aid in research, studying, and learning from YouTube videos. ## Can YouTube Summary with ChatGPT & Claude handle videos in languages other than English? Yes, YouTube Summary is capable of summarizing videos in multiple languages, making it a valuable tool for international users. You can also choose what language you want the transcript to be in. Fore more details, please visit the website:

4.3 out of 51.6K ratings

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Akarsh Rastogi18 Oct 2024

Best thing is that the button works on almost every website. Should have a blacklist to not show the button on certain websites, it gets annoying sometimes. Also the 3 prompts feature - could be automated as well.

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Residential Leasing17 Oct 2024

Has something changed? The experience has been very inconsistent, especially on YouTube. For now, I've switched to GOAT summarizer since it's a simpler option.

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Ruginni17 Oct 2024

Not only is this an excellent extension but it provides the transcript of each video in an organized manner and without timestamps. This simplifies the process of keeping important information for repurposing what you have learned. I love it.


  • Version
  • Updated
    20 September 2024
  • Size
  • Languages
    English (United States)
  • Developer
    Glasp Inc.
    1 Embarcadero Center Lobby Level, ELI #112 San Francisco, CA 94111 US
    +1 415-857-0597
  • Trader
    This developer has identified itself as a trader per the definition from the European Union.
  • DUNS


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