Yacht Tactics - Chrome Web Store
Logotypbild för objektet Yacht Tactics

Yacht Tactics

1 användare
Media för objektet: 1 skärmbild


Yacht Tactics is a variant of the well known game Yahtzee. The game is played, like Yahtzee, with 5 dice. Yacht Tactics provides a…

Yacht Tactics is a variant of the well known game Yahtzee. The game is played, like Yahtzee, with 5 dice. Yacht Tactics provides a new challenge in which tactics are needed in addition to chance. Yacht Tactics is played in six columns simultaneously. There are some additional conditions: The 6th column is played from bottom to top, so you start at ‘chance’ and end with ‘aces’. You can't enter a value in a box if the box below is not yet completed. The 5th column is played from top to bottom. You start with the ‘aces’ and end with ‘chance’. You can't enter a value in a box if the box above is not yet completed. In the 4th column the upper section is free (no required order). The lower section is played from top to bottom, i.e. you start with ‘minimum’ and end with ‘chance’. For the remaining columns, the order of completion is free.

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  • Version
  • Uppdaterat
    2 april 2015
  • Storlek
  • Språk
    54 språk
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