WP motīvu detektors - Google interneta veikals
WP motīvu detektors: vienuma logotipa attēls

WP motīvu detektors


14 vērtējumu

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WordPress (WP) motīvu detektors - bezmaksas tiešsaistes rīks, lai uzzinātu, kuru WordPress tēmu vietne izmanto. Uzreiz noteikt…

Detect any WordPress theme. Install the WP theme detector extension and find out which theme a website is using, along with other useful information. If you're a WordPress user and you've ever come across a website with a design you love, you can easily check theme details with this useful Chrome add-on. Key Features of WP (Wordpress) Theme Detector >>Detects the WordPress theme being used on any website >>Shows the theme name, version, author, and other details >>Provides a link to the theme's homepage for further information >>Allows users to view the website's plugins and other WordPress details >>Works on any website, not just those using WordPress How to Use: >>Install the WordPress Theme Detector extension >>Once installed, visit any website that you want to check the WordPress theme for. >>Click on the extension icon in your browser toolbar to open the extension. >>The extension will automatically detect the theme being used on the website and display its name, version, author, and other details. In summary, the WP Theme Detector extension is a useful tool for WordPress users who want to know which theme a website is using, along with other useful information. With a simple interface and easy-to-use features, this extension makes it easy to gather information about any website's WordPress setup.

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  • Atjaunināts
    2023. gada 22. marts
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  • Valodas
    Valodu skaits: 54
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