Woodnoten en bouten spel - Chrome Web Store
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Woodnoten en bouten spel

ExtensieEntertainment696 gebruikers
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Speel nu houten noten en blots -game. Ontdek de vreugde van het palyen van dit spel - je ultieme online gelukkige ervaring! Probeer…

Play wood nuts and bolts game right now. Discover the Joy of palying this game - Your Ultimate Online Happy Experience! Try it now! Introduction Welcome to the world of Wood Nuts and Bolts Puzzle Game, a captivating and brain-teasing experience that will put your puzzle-solving skills to the ultimate test! In this unique game, you'll dive into the world of woodworking and embark on a journey filled with intricate puzzles and creative solutions. Get ready to sharpen your mind and unleash your inner craftsman! How To Play? Playing Wood Nuts and Bolts Puzzle Game is a delightful challenge that requires logical thinking and spatial awareness. Your goal is to disassemble and reassemble wooden structures using the provided nuts and bolts. Each puzzle presents a different arrangement of wooden pieces, and it's up to you to figure out the correct sequence of moves. To play, simply click on a wooden nut or bolt to select it, then drag it to a different position to disassemble the structure. Analyze the connections, observe how the pieces fit together, and strategize your moves accordingly. Once disassembled, your task is to reconstruct the structure using the same nuts and bolts in the correct configuration.

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  • Versie
  • Geüpdatet
    4 maart 2024
  • Grootte
  • Talen
    39 talen
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