Varelogobilde for WIND MIT


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3 brukere
Skjermbilde for 1-medieinnhold for vare


Home Inspector Pro Wind Mitigation App creates a filled form OIR-B1-1802 for Florida Wind Mitigations. This is a separate app from…

Home Inspector Pro Wind Mitigation App creates a filled form OIR-B1-1802 for Florida Wind Mitigations. This is a separate app from Home Inspector Pro Mobile which is for full home inspections, commercial, mold, etc. To use this app you need to have the Home Inspector Pro Cloud service (which works with multiple programs and apps) from You can sign up for a free 3 month trial by clicking on Pricing at the top of our site. You will receive an email after uploading the report from the mobile app with a link to your PDF at which point you can add any attachments you may have. You can also log into to view all reports you've uploaded. Stay tuned for a separate roof certification app. Use the full HIP Mobile app to do 4 point inspections.

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  • Versjon
  • Oppdatert
    24. april 2015
  • Størrelse
  • Språk
    54 språk
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