4 support issues

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Jay Klock

Nov 30, 2022

Bee update suggestion

Great add-on program. Just a few suggestions to consider for the next version.
* add two returns after the marriage record so children appear under an empty line below the marriage record.
* remove the period after the last child is listed.

Thanks, Jay Klock

Elizabeth Jones

Feb 26, 2022

I've lost my "bee"

I have been using bee extension with Ancestry in Chrome and it is no longer in my tool bar. I have checked in Chrome extensions and it indicates that it is added but I don't know how to find it again. Can you help?

David Anderson

May 16, 2021

Unable to install

An error has occurred
Package is invalid. Details: 'Could not load JavaScript 'contentScript.js' for content script.'.

Charlie Panek

Nov 18, 2020

I'm confused.

I loaded the extension into Chrome, went to a FamilySearch profile, and clicked on the Tables icon, and all I get is a random picture of a table (i.e. dining room, massage, coffee). How is this supposed to work?

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