Why I follow you for X (Twitter)
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Why I follow you for X (Twitter)

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This extension helps you remember why you follow certain accounts on X (Twitter) by allowing you to add notes to profiles.

Why I Follow You is a simple and intuitive Chrome extension designed to help you keep track of why you follow certain accounts on X(Twitter). With this extension, you can easily add personalised notes to profiles, ensuring you never forget the reason behind your follow decisions. Key Features: - Add Personalised Notes: Attach notes to any Twitter profile to remind yourself why you followed them. - Seamless Integration: Automatically detects your Twitter session, no additional sign-in required. - Accessible Anywhere: Access your notes from any device where you are signed into Chrome. - Simple and Intuitive: Designed to be easy to use, with a clean and straightforward interface. - Secure and Private: All notes are stored on your Chrome account, ensuring your data remains private. How It Works: - Install the Why I Follow You extension from the Chrome Web Store. - Visit any Twitter profile. - Click the "Why I Follow You" button next to the following button and add your note. View and edit your notes anytime directly from the profile page. Why Use This Extension? - Stay Organised: Never lose track of why you followed someone. - Improve Engagement: Personalised notes can help you engage more meaningfully with the accounts you follow. - Boost Productivity: Spend less time wondering why you followed someone and more time engaging with content that matters.

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  • Version
  • Aktualisiert
    17. Juni 2024
  • Größe
  • Sprachen
    English (United States)
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