Wheelie Bike: A Racing Game - Chrome Web Store
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Wheelie Bike: A Racing Game

LaajennusPelit909 käyttäjää
Kohteen media: kuvakaappaus (1)


Play Wheelie Bike offline game. It is a fun game that is as a Chrome extension - Also can Play without Internet, Try it now!

Master The Art Of Balance In Wheelie Bike: A Thrilling Cycling Adventure! Introduction Get ready for an adrenaline-pumping cycling adventure in Wheelie Bike! This exciting game puts your balance and control skills to the test as you perform wheelies and stunts on your bike. Prepare yourself for a thrilling and challenging ride! Gameplay Wheelie Bike offers a simple yet addictive gameplay experience that will keep you engaged for hours. Here's how to play: Bike Balance: Your main objective in Wheelie Bike is to maintain balance while riding on one wheel (performing a wheelie) for as long as possible. Use the arrow keys or on-screen controls to control the bike's speed and balance. Wheelie Control: Press and hold the up arrow key or on-screen control to lift the front wheel of the bike off the ground. This initiates the wheelie. Release the key to lower the front wheel back down. Finding the right balance is crucial to keep the wheelie going. Obstacles and Challenges: As you progress through the game, you'll encounter various obstacles and challenges on your path. These may include ramps, jumps, and gaps that require precise timing and control to overcome. Navigate through the course, perform stunts, and avoid crashing.

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  • Versio
  • Päivitetty
    22. toukokuuta 2024
  • Koko
  • Kielet
    39 kieltä
  • Kehittäjä
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