WhatsApp Bulk Sender Free - Magazinul web Chrome
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WhatsApp Bulk Sender Free


9 evaluări

ExtensieFlux și planificare5.000 de utilizatori
Captură de ecran a elementului media 3
Captură de ecran a elementului media 4
Miniatură pentru videoclip a elementului
Captură de ecran a elementului media 2
Captură de ecran a elementului media 3
Captură de ecran a elementului media 4
Miniatură pentru videoclip a elementului
Captură de ecran a elementului media 2
Miniatură pentru videoclip a elementului
Captură de ecran a elementului media 2
Captură de ecran a elementului media 3
Captură de ecran a elementului media 4

Prezentare generală

Boost your WhatsApp marketing efforts with WA Bulk Sender, the efficient and powerful tool for sending bulk messages.

The ultimate Chrome extension for automating your WhatsApp messages! With this powerful tool, you can easily send bulk messages to your customers, contacts, and leads without the hassle of manually saving numbers. Whether you're looking to expand your business, streamline your customer outreach, or simply stay in touch with friends and family, WA Bulk Sender is the perfect solution. Why WA Bulk Sender is the best choice: 🔹 Easy to use: Simply install the extension, log in to WA Web, and start sending messages. 🔹 Powerful automation: Save time and effort by automating your messages and outreach. 🔹 No number saving required: Send messages to anyone without having to save their contact information first. 🔹 Personalized messages: Use placeholders and syntax templates to create custom messages for each recipient. 🔹 Compatible with all message types: Send text messages, images, voice notes, videos, audio, and document files. Features: ✅ Automated mass sending: Send customized messages to multiple recipients at once with just a few clicks. ✅ Message personalization: Use placeholders and syntax templates to create personalized messages for each recipient. ✅ Message types: Send text messages, images, voice notes, videos, audio, and document files. ✅ View once image and video messages: Send media that can only be viewed once. To avoid account bans and ensure the best possible performance, we recommend following these guidelines: 🔸 Wait at least 15 days after registering your account before using the extension. 🔸 Use a mobile phone and website IP address in the same area. 🔸 Avoid switching IP addresses frequently. 🔸 Limit message sending to 50 on the first day and 300 on subsequent days. 🔸 Kindly do not use for SPAMMING which is WA™ strictly prohibited. Try WA Bulk Sender today and experience the ultimate WA messaging automation tool! # Home Page https://wa-bulk-sender.watool.online/ #Legal WhatsApp is a trademark of WhatsApp LLC. This extension is an unofficial enhacement for WhatsApp™ Web and is not related in any way to WhatsApp LLC. We hope you enjoy using our extension! If you have any questions or feedback, please don't hesitate to contact us. (Email: hello@watool.online)

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  • Data ultimei actualizări
    15 iulie 2024
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    54 limbi
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