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What to watch on Apple TV IMDb ratings & more

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View movie ratings directly on Apple TV. Based on scores from: IMDB, Metacritic, Rotten Tomatoes, Filmaffinity, TMDB & more.

Not sure what to watch? Here’s our advice: don’t waste your precious time on bad productions. Now you can see if the movie is worth watching directly on Apple TV+. Check what others like and increase your chances of finding real gems among the high-scored titles. Film Scores for AppleTV displays ratings from all the best movie review sites, such as: ⭐ IMDB ⭐ Metacritic ⭐ Rotten Tomatoes ⭐ FilmAffinity ⭐ The Movie Database (TMDB) ⭐ Trakt TV You can also decide if you'd like to see one of the above as the main rating or if you'd prefer their average (recommended in case any of the ratings is missing in the database). Picking something to watch has never been easier! All you need to do is add Film Scores for AppleTV extension to your browser, enable its options in the extension's popup and manage the ratings visibility in the settings tab. It's as simple as that! Known issues: - Missing scores - please note that some ratings may be missing, depending on their availability on the rating websites. - If you experience empty rating circles on AppleTV, please try reloading them first by navigating to the movie detail page and clicking the Refresh Scores button. Disclaimer : AppleTV+ is a trademark of Apple Inc. This website & extension hold no association or affiliation with AppleTV+ or any third-party companies.

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