Whack a Mouse - Chrome'i veebipood
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Whack a Mouse

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Now you can play Whack a Mouse right on Chrome™ Browser! Offline and Popup Version, without internet required!

Whack a Mouse is an exciting game available as a Chrome extension on MonkeyMart.ee. This game can be played for free and provides hours of fun and entertainment. In "Whack a Mouse," players take on the role of a vigilant cat trying to catch mischievous mice that pop up from various holes. The objective is to whack as many mice as possible within a given time limit. The game features colorful graphics and engaging sound effects that enhance the overall gameplay experience. As the game progresses, the mice appear faster and in greater numbers, increasing the challenge for players. Quick reflexes and precision are required to achieve high scores and unlock new levels. "Whack a Mouse" provides a leaderboard where players can compare their scores with others, adding a competitive element to the game. This feature encourages players to strive for the top position and showcase their whacking skills. Whether you're looking to pass the time or challenge your hand-eye coordination, "Whack a Mouse" is a delightful game that offers simple yet addictive gameplay. Give it a try on MonkeyMart.ee and see how many mice you can whack! Note: We add "More Games" in the Popup shows other game links, making it easier for players to quickly access the game by clicking on the game on the top left of the popup window go up. You can also play more games on my site, please click on "Unblocked Games" button. And on our website https://drivemad.org/

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  • Versioon
  • Värskendatud
    18. märts 2024
  • Suurus
  • Keeled
    51 keelt
  • Arendaja
  • Mittekaupleja
    See arendaja pole ennast kauplejaks määranud. Pange tähele, et Euroopa Liidu tarbijate puhul ei kehti tarbijaõigused teie ja selle arendaja vahelistele lepingutele.


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See arendaja kinnitab, et teie andmeid:

  • ei müüda kolmandatele osapooltele väljaspool heakskiidetud kasutusjuhtumeid;
  • ei kasutata ega edastata eesmärkidel, mis pole seotud üksuse põhifunktsiooniga;
  • ei kasutata ega edastata krediidivõime väljaselgitamiseks ega laenu pakkumiseks.


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