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WAVE Evaluation Tool


144 oceny

Zrzut ekranu 1 multimediów dotyczących produktu


Evaluate web accessibility within your browser.

WAVE is a web accessibility evaluation tool developed by WebAIM.org. It provides visual feedback about the accessibility of your web content by injecting icons and indicators into your page. No automated tool can tell you if your page is accessible, but WAVE facilitates human evaluation and educates about accessibility issues. All analysis is done entirely within the Chrome browser allowing secure valuation of intranet, local, password protected, and other sensitive web pages. To run a WAVE report, simply click on the WAVE icon to the right of your browser address bar, or select "WAVE this page" from the context menu. WAVE errors align with WCAG 2.2 failures. The WAVE interface facilitates human evaluation of many other aspects of accessibility and Web Content Accessibility Guidelines and Section 508 compliance. Version (September 2024) fixes a bug that disallowed checking of local files and suppresses errors in some cases where role="presentation" is present. Version (August 2024) adds compatibility with Manifest v3. Inputs with aria-disabled=true are no longer considered for contrast checking. Version (August 2024) adds support for contrast checking when foreground alpha/opacity is defined. The Contrast sidebar tools are updated to support foreground alpha. Also numerous minor bug fixes and improvements. Version (February 2024) fixes numerous minor bugs and adds testing refinements. Some hidden inputs are no longer incorrectly flagged as not labeled. Version (October 2023) fixes a few minor bugs with testing hidden content and with the sidebar contrast tools. Version (June 2023) removes the warning message on UserWay pages due to them removing code that changes page content when the WAVE extension is activated. Version (June 2023) includes numerous accessibility test enhancements, several minor bug fixes, and simplification of the contrast checking tools. Users are informed that WAVE results may be manipulated on pages that utilize UserWay or accessiBe overlays. Version 3.2.3 (March 2023) includes several minor bug fixes. A previous update to test for contrast errors in hidden elements has been reverted. While this was useful for finding contrast errors in drop-down menus, tab panels, dialog windows, etc., identification of errors in hidden elements caused user confusion and, in some rare cases, false positives. Version 3.2 (December 2022) includes over 100 bug fixes and performance enhancements. The extension no longer utilizes jQuery, resulting in faster testing and better compatibility with a variety of pages. A new Navigation Order panel is available that shows the navigation order, element roles, and accessible names (what is read by a screen reader) for all navigable elements. Version 3.1.6 (October 2021) includes numerous bug fixes and test rule enhancements for better testing contrast (filters, background images, and other complex color definitions are better handled), document language (IANA-defined language values are now tested), empty links and buttons (better ARIA support for accessible name computations), broken ARIA references, etc., etc. Performance and accessibility has been improved. Version 3.1.3 (November 2020) includes performance enhancements and fixes several minor bugs, including fixes for multiple alerts for some pseudo-lists and disabled controls being incorrectly flagged for contrast failures. Version 3.1.2 (October 2020) fixes several minor bugs, including with the Structure tab sometimes incorrectly showing no structure, and improves performance and accessibility testing reliability. Version 3.1 (September 2020) includes new accessibility tests (region, figure, possible list, select element missing label, and image with title), improved contrast checking, expanded lang attribute value checking, and numerous other bug fixes and improvements. Version 3.0.9 (July 2020) includes numerous bug fixes, improved accessibility, and improved color contrast checking including fewer false positives and expanded contrast checking for form inputs.

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  • Wersja
  • Zaktualizowano
    20 września 2024
  • Sprzedawca
  • Rozmiar
  • Języki
    English (United States)
  • Deweloper
    Utah State University
    6807 Old Main Hill Logan, UT 84322-6807 US
  • Osoba niebędąca przedsiębiorcą
    Ten deweloper nie określił, że jest przedsiębiorcą. Pamiętaj, że prawa konsumentów nie obowiązują w przypadku umów zawartych między tym deweloperem a konsumentami z Unii Europejskiej.


Deweloper oświadczył, że nie będzie zbierać ani używać Twoich danych. Więcej informacji znajdziesz w polityce prywatności dewelopera.

Ten wydawca oświadcza, że Twoje dane

  • nie są sprzedawane osobom trzecim (z wyjątkiem uzasadnionych przypadków)
  • nie są używane ani przesyłane w celach niezwiązanych z podstawową funkcją produktu,
  • nie są używane ani przesyłane w celu ustalenia zdolności kredytowej lub udzielania pożyczek.



Siteimprove Accessibility Checker


Jumpstart your web accessibility efforts directly in Chrome.



JAWS Inspect Communication

EqualWeb Accessibility Checker


The EqualWeb Web Accessibility Checker is a free automated auditing tool for WCAG 2.1 validation.

Accessibility Insights for Web


Accessibility Insights for Web helps developers quickly find and fix accessibility issues.

axe DevTools - Web Accessibility Testing


Accessibility Checker for Developers, Testers, and Designers in Chrome

WCAG Color contrast checker


To check the color contrast between foreground and background of the texts

Color Contrast Analyzer


Analyze a web page or portion of a web page for conformance with WCAG 2.0 Color Contrast requirements.

Access Assistant


Access Assistant



Visualise tab order with ease

Screen Reader

2,5(1,1 tys.)

A web-powered screen reader

IBM Equal Access Accessibility Checker


A web browser extension for checking accessibility issues

Visual ARIA


Displays ARIA used in web technologies, includes live region, and widget roles, proper nesting and focus management.

Siteimprove Accessibility Checker


Jumpstart your web accessibility efforts directly in Chrome.



JAWS Inspect Communication

EqualWeb Accessibility Checker


The EqualWeb Web Accessibility Checker is a free automated auditing tool for WCAG 2.1 validation.

Accessibility Insights for Web


Accessibility Insights for Web helps developers quickly find and fix accessibility issues.

axe DevTools - Web Accessibility Testing


Accessibility Checker for Developers, Testers, and Designers in Chrome

WCAG Color contrast checker


To check the color contrast between foreground and background of the texts

Color Contrast Analyzer


Analyze a web page or portion of a web page for conformance with WCAG 2.0 Color Contrast requirements.

Access Assistant


Access Assistant

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