Walmart Image Quick Save - Chrome Web Store
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Walmart Image Quick Save

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Stop struggling with low-quality images by using this extension to download pristine high-res Walmart product photos.

Easily Download High-Resolution Walmart Product Images Stop wasting time saving product images one by one. With just one click, our new tool allows you to instantly get all the high-resolution photos you need. Whether you need imagery for your website, print projects, or just inspiration, this extension delivers. Bulk download all product images in seconds, regardless of your use case. Create catalogs, design print ads, build product galleries, or simply archive images for future reference. Our handy browser extension eliminates the hassle of hunting down photos for your product. Install now to save time and effort. With a single click, get all the high-quality product shots you want. Start scraping and saving instantly! Key Features: - One-click to get all images for any Walmart product listing - Bulk saving of images in seconds - no more saving one by one - Access to high-resolution source files - perfect for print and web use - Secure and confidential - all data stays on your device - Easy install browser extension - Start immediately Stop struggling to gather product images from the Web. Our intelligent tool makes it simple to get all the photos you need with just one click. Install now and streamline your image-scraping process! How to download all the listing images from a given product? Scraping and saving product pics can be done quickly with our tool, without any need for coding. Simply follow these steps: - Open any product on - Click the “download icon” on the top right of the product listings images. - All the product pics should be displayed on the popup window. You can save them one by one individually or as a bundled zip file. Data Privacy Your data stays on your device and is not stored or transmitted to our servers. We prioritize keeping your information secure and confidential. Walmart™ is registered trademarks of Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. This independent project was developed by ExtensionBox and has no relationship with Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.

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  • Versi
  • Diupdate
    31 Maret 2024
  • Ukuran
  • Bahasa
    54 bahasa
  • Developer
    Situs Web
  • Non-pedagang
    Developer ini tidak mengidentifikasi diri sebagai pedagang. Bagi konsumen di Uni Eropa, perlu diperhatikan bahwa hak konsumen tidak berlaku untuk kontrak antara Anda dan developer ini.


Walmart Image Quick Save telah mengungkapkan informasi berikut ini terkait pengumpulan dan penggunaan data Anda. Informasi lebih mendetail dapat dilihat di kebijakan privasi developer.

Walmart Image Quick Save menangani hal berikut:

Informasi identitas pribadi

Developer ini menyatakan bahwa data Anda

  • Tidak dijual ke pihak ketiga, di luar kasus penggunaan yang disetujui
  • Tidak digunakan atau ditransfer untuk tujuan yang tidak terkait dengan fungsi inti item
  • Tidak digunakan atau ditransfer untuk menentukan kelayakan kredit atau untuk tujuan pinjaman


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