Volymförstärkare - Chrome Web Store
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Förstärk enkelt ljud för musik, videor och samtal direkt i din webbläsare. Få klart, högt ljud med bara ett klick!

Prova denna volymförstärkare, ett enkelt webbläsartillägg för ljudnivåkontroll. Med volymförstärkare är det snabbt och enkelt att göra webbläsarens ljud högre eller mjukare. Behöver du mer volym för musik, videor eller webbspel? Bara ett klick gör det. Volymverktyget är enkelt – använd bara reglaget för att ändra. Vår ljudförstärkare gör mer än att bara ställa in ljudnivåer. Det förstärker ditt ljud också. Det gör ljudet högre men ändå tydligt. Du kan höja ljudet högre än vad din webbläsare vanligtvis tillåter. Nu kan du hålla det starkare ljudet snyggt och tydligt. Det är jobbigt att byta ljud för varje sida. Vi gör det enkelt. Popup-fönster visar en lista över alla sajter där ljud spelas, klicka bara på den du behöver och justera volymen till önskad nivå Om du gillar att ställa in volymen på ditt sätt kan du göra det. Du kan välja ljudnivåer för varje flik med videor, musik och varningar. Det betyder att din surfning låter precis som du vill. Att snabbt ändra volym från verktygsfältet har aldrig varit enklare!. Ändra ljudnivån där, du behöver inte öppna fullständiga inställningar. Detta är bra för snabba ljudjusteringar. Utformningen av volymkontrollern är snygg och användarvänlig. Det är enkelt, med bara ett reglage och en återställningsknapp. Inga komplicerade inställningar, bara enkel ljudkontroll. Var uppmärksam på högtalarnas säkerhet med hjälp av volymkontroll. Överdrivna volymhöjningar kan skada dina högtalare. Hantera ljudnivåerna noggrant för att undvika att skada din enhets ljudsystem. Kort sagt, detta är ett måste-ha webbläsartillägg för enkel ljudnivåkontroll. Det är enkelt, snabbt och perfekt för daglig webbanvändning. För små ljudförändringar eller en stor boostvolym. Uppgradera ditt webbljud med lättanvänd ljudkontroll. Try volume max, a simple browser add-on for sound level control. With volume max, making your browser's sound louder or softer is quick and easy. Need more sound for music, videos, or web games? Just one click does it. The volume tool is easy – just slide to change. Volume max does more than just set audio levels. It boosts your audio too. It makes sound louder but still clear. You can turn up the sound higher than what your browser usually allows. volume max keeps the louder sound nice and clear. It's a chore to change sound for each site. volume max makes it easy. It changes the sound level based on the site you're on. Go from a loud video site to a quiet blog, and volume max changes the sound for you. If you like to set things your way, volume max lets you. You can pick sound levels for videos, music, and alerts. This means your browsing sounds just how you like. Volume max has a quick-use icon on your toolbar. Change the sound right there, no need to open full settings. This is great for quick sound tweaks. The design of volume max is neat and user-friendly. It's simple, with just a sound slider and a boost button. No complex settings, just easy sound control. Sound safety matters in volume max. It tells you when the sound is too high for your ears. You can even set a sound limit to keep your hearing safe. In short, sound max is a must-have browser add-on for easy sound control. It's simple, quick, and perfect for daily web use. For small sound changes or a big boost, volume max is your tool. Upgrade your web audio with sound max. Sound booster also remembers your settings. Once you set the volume for a site, it stays that way. Next time you visit, volume booster automatically sets the volume to your preference. This means less fiddling with volume controls every time. Volume booster is perfect for all sorts of users. Whether you're watching videos, listening to music, or playing games, it ensures your volume is just right. It's especially useful for those who keep multiple tabs open. You can have different volume levels for each tab, no mix-up. Trouble hearing a quiet video? audio booster's boost function can help. It makes quiet sounds louder, so you won't miss a thing. And if a site is too loud, just turn the volume down with a click. It's all about having control over your browser's sound. Volume booster is lightweight and won't slow down your browser. It runs smoothly, ensuring your browsing experience stays fast and enjoyable. Plus, it's free to use. Just add it to your browser, and you're set for better sound control. In case you're worried about ads or privacy, sound booster is safe. It doesn't track your browsing or show annoying ads. Your browsing stays private, and your screen stays clean. Sound booster is easy to install. Just go to your browser's extension store, search for volume booster, and click 'Add'. In seconds, you'll have a powerful yet simple volume control tool right in your browser. To wrap up, sound booster transforms your browser's volume control. It's straightforward, versatile, and enhances your audio experience. With volume booster, managing sound is no longer a hassle. It's a breeze. Try audio booster today and take control of your browser's volume like never before. Beyond basic sound control, sound master also offers custom audio profiles. Set a quiet profile for reading or a louder one for videos. Switching profiles is easy, and volume master applies your chosen sound level instantly. This feature is great for quick changes without adjusting the slider each time. Volume master is not just for personal use. It's ideal for shared spaces too. If you're in a library or office, you can keep your volume low. At home, boost it up for a richer sound. audio master adapts to your environment, giving you the right volume always. For parents, volume master offers peace of mind. Control the volume on your kids' devices to ensure they're not listening too loud. It's a simple way to keep their hearing safe while they browse, play, or watch online. Volume master's interface is user-friendly, even for those not tech-savy. The design is clean, with big, easy-to-see buttons. Adjusting volume is straightforward, making it accessible for all ages. It's perfect for anyone who wants hassle-free sound control. The extension also features a mute button. Silence all tabs with one click, perfect for quickly stopping sound when needed. Unmuting is just as easy, bringing back your set volume levels. Volume master is always up-to-date. Regular updates keep it running smoothly and add new features based on user feedback. These updates ensure that volume master stays useful and effective for controlling your browser's volume. In sumary, volume master is a versatile, user-friendly browser extension for managing volume. Whether for personal, work, or family use, it offers easy and effective volume control. Simple to install and free of charge, volume master enhances your browsing experience with perfect sound levels. Try volume master now and experience the ease of refined sound control in your browser. Volume Chrome Tool In our web world, volume are key. When you stream a song, join a web call, or watch a clip, the its volume matter a lot. A new Chrome add-on now changes how we manage volume online. Meet the Chrome Tool for Volume. It's easy to use and helps you control volume on any site. This tool is a must for better volume in your Chrome browser. Volume booster lets you take charge of sound. With a few clicks, you can set volume just right. You get the best volume for each sound. Volume booster is easy to use, so anyone can get the hang of it fast. A top feature of this sound booster is how it can lift volume. If you've had issues with low sound or volume in videos or tracks, this tool is a big help. It can boost volume high, making sure each sound is clear. This is great for those who need loud sound. The sound booster design is simple. It fits right into your Chrome bar, so you can get to volume controls fast. You use a slider to change volume, making it easy to adjust. The tool works on all sites. This means you can manage volume the same way for videos, tunes, and games. This makes things easy, as you don't need different tools for sound. Also, the volume booster remembers your sound volume for each site. Set your volume once, and the tool keeps it that way each time you go back. This makes browsing with your own volume a breeze. For tech fans, the volume booster has more to offer. You can set up volume for different times, like soft volume for night or loud sound for a workout. This lets you match sound to what you do or feel. Safe and private use of sound booster is key for this tool. It needs few permissions and keeps your web use safe. This sound booster is all about better volume while keeping your data safe. In short, the Volume control tool for Volume is vital for a better sound experience online. It's simple, effective, and has lots of features for sound. Whether you need more volume for a quiet video or want to tweak sound, this tool has it all. Get clear, tailored volume with this smart Chrome add-on.

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Sebi Bumbea26 feb. 2024


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  • Version
  • Uppdaterat
    22 januari 2024
  • Erbjudandet kommer från
    Volume Booster Pro
  • Storlek
  • Språk
    47 språk
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  • Icke-näringsidkare
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