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Voice Actions for Chrome


155 ratings

ExtensionTools8,000 users

36 support issues

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Dmitry Khodorovsky

Feb 17, 2023

Doesn't work when FxSound on

Would it be possible to fix compatibility when FxSound on (volume booster) as in this scenario Voice Actions doesn't work?


Jul 7, 2021


I have a question: does this extension also work with the Edge browser? and if not, could you also adapt them to this browser?

Dmitry Khodorovsky

Apr 11, 2021

Google talk back feature

Hello and thank you for a great extension!
Could you please add Google talk back feature so Google will talk back after a voice query such as 'what temperature is in NYC' like in the original version when we type these sorts of queries?

margaret rosita hector

Mar 30, 2021

Vpice Actions

Hey i'm soran And i'M Here Tθ help improve This virtual Assistant Extention by Adding just A few things but Though 1st i gotta Let yu know That iAm a huge fan as to why id Like to Help/ see improvement Also Reaching out its why im Tryna help in general because i know iT can Make A change/difference it will if you Add my commands Gauranteed i promise i dont make False promises it defeats The purpose of making A promuse which is Dumb to even do windows/Linux/ even mac os Lacks great Virtual Assistants especially in particular exlcluding->(siri - cortana- Alexa}<-if YθU may despite being nearly NθT Anybody's Favourite but is certainly top virtual Assistants on Their Respective operating Systems/Devices more Useful Aswel SO hey WHY not have A browser virtual Assistant instead That only Handsfreely control Browsers instead of Entire operating Systems its an easier Task i Really Like this Extention its very Great But Like Most Things it Still Aint perfect But not being perfect isnt a good excuse FθR not Trying at All Neither Your All-out very best cause Although it isnt it can Always do much better Thats why im here to unlock All potential Tθ ever Achieve Needs media commands + Full browser CθNTRol as much as possible examples [Pausing-Resuming]<[Auto scrolling]>[Clicking By Title] etc (AUTθ-Scrolling-Command)= Auto-Scroll-Up/Down Also ->Slide Down/up/Auto Slide Down/up will be Alternative Terms for The same automated Action i Think it should be Simulated///Emulated from A Touchscreen computer for Acuracy anything works either ways Now (Exiting/Closing-Page/Tab)=>Exit/Close_This_tab_<!!-close/Exit--Currently opened->Tab/Page<-////Close-Exit Curent Tab/Page///close-Exit Opened Tab All Same commands just Altetnative Phrase as to why i put //< closing What ever [page/tab] is currently opened in user's view/Sight Then we Got (Closing/Exiting-Tab By possition/order Number)=Close/exit page Number 1-2-3 ofc The Farest Left Tab direction where Any Human will consider as 1st/Number (1) Tab

A Chrome Web Store user

Dec 11, 2018


The programming, workability, cleanliness and speed of this app are 2nd to NONE. But, if I have to use my hands, then the whole reason, the ENTIRE PURPOSE intended (for this app and myself) is just masterbation (no pun intended) Privacy concerns?????? Come on. Cortana, SIRI and 1000 others all activate by voice. Get it together, plug in 'activate by voice' and slap a price tag on it. I'd pay for that in a second.

Justin Cram

Jul 16, 2017

Due for an update.

read above please.

Steve Bennett

Jun 7, 2017


What is the shortcut or hotkey to start this feature rather than using the mouse

Tyler Mills

Mar 12, 2017

Keyboard shortcut or activate microphone

It would be nice to activate the microphone with a keyboard comobination

A Chrome Web Store user

Jan 4, 2017

english only

it support english only ? :( i have my browser in english because i prefer but i speak french only..

Agung I (Gunkzmile)

Oct 28, 2016

Switch to ?

All types of actions are working except "switch to". Or maybe I'm not saying the right command? I dont know. Please someone help with this problem.

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