Vocaloid 1920X1080 - Chrome веб-продавница
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Vocaloid 1920X1080

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Медијска ставка 1 снимак екрана


Vocaloid 1920X1080

Vocaloid Please leave us review. This New theme is about the The Vocaloid adaptation. For all uses of this name, use this The Vocaloid to show love. Vocaloid (ボーカロイド Bōkaroido?) is a singing voice synthesizer. Its signal processing part was developed through a joint research project led by Kenmochi Hideki at the Pompeu Fabra University in Barcelona, Spain, in 2000 (the same team that later founded Voctro Labs) and originally was not intended to be a full commercial project. Backed by the Yamaha Corporation, it developed the software into the commercial product "Vocaloid".

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  • Верзија
  • Ажурирано
    19. април 2017.
  • Нуди
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  • Језици
    50 језика
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    विचुम्बए रोड पनवेल ४१०२०६ भारत
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