3 support issues

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Sadie Pullen

Oct 18, 2024

Scheduler view not working

I've been using this extension for 2 years now and it's always worked, but today when I tried to use it the "Make schedule" view is not working. It currently only shows one class at a time with one schedule option, and that class, no matter the length or days it occurs, only shows up as a 20 minute block one day a week.

David Huang

Apr 16, 2023

showing RMP rating

Great scheduling app. Really helped me out a lot! However, the showing rate my professor rating functionality seems to be broken. Any plan to get it fixed? Also, I am a CS student at Vanderbilt too, so if you ever want someone to help maintaining it. I would love to chip in my efforts

Autumn Sun

Oct 12, 2021

My vandy scheduler extension doesn't show RMP a

When I first downloaded the app I could see RMP scores next to professor names, now it just says N/A on all of them even when I can find their RMP scores on the RMP website

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