Valguskiirte mäng Puzzle Game - Chrome'i veebipood
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Valguskiirte mäng Puzzle Game
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LaiendusMängud100 kasutajad
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Meediaüksuse ekraanipilt 1
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Light Rays on lõbus ja väljakutseid pakkuv HTML5 mäng. Vältige ellujäämiseks valguskiiri. Mängige esmases või ellujäämisrežiimis.

Light Rays is a fun and challenging HTML5 game. Avoid rays of light to survive. Play in primary or survival mode. Light Rays is a fun and challenging HTML5 game that tests your reflexes and coordination. In the game, you control a small square. That moves around the screen and must avoid being hit by incoming light rays. The rays of light move quickly and randomly. To play the game, use your keyboard's arrow keys to move your square around the screen. As you progress through the game, the rays of light will become faster and more numerous, making it increasingly difficult to avoid them. There are power-ups that you can collect as you play. These power-ups will give you temporary invincibility, slow down the rays of light, or even eradicate them. In addition to the primary game mode, Light Rays have a survival mode where you must see how long you can survive against an endless barrage of light rays. Light Rays is a fun and addictive game that will hold you entertained for hours. Simple yet challenging gameplay makes it an excellent match for players of all skill levels. Its vibrant graphics and smooth animations make it a pleasure to play. To swipe Install this extension to play the Light Rays Game or offline with no additional downloads and no ads. You can contact us at and share your thoughts and problems After clicking the add the game to chrome button, you can find the game in the extensions section. If you wish, you can visit If you wish, you can play again and if you want to remove it, you can remove it from the extensions section.

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  • Versioon
  • Värskendatud
    18. märts 2023
  • Suurus
  • Keeled
    42 keelt
  • Arendaja
    800 SE 4TH AVENUE SUITE 604A HALLANDALE, FL 33009 Miami, FL 33009 Miami, FL 33009 US
  • Kaupleja
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