Item logo image for V7 Gmail Zoom

V7 Gmail Zoom


26 ratings

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12 support issues

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Daniel Scot Linton

Sep 30, 2022

No longer getting popup on Vivaldi

When I click on the extension in the toolbar I get a menu V7 Gmail Zoom | Options | ...
If I choose 'Options' it opens a tab with the info/help but no popup allowing me to change zoom levels.

Marie Drew

May 24, 2022



Roy Froimovici

Apr 18, 2021

Can't get it to work

I installed the extension but the "Z" button doesn't appear on my Gmail.

Bob Rollins

Feb 18, 2021

Z appears over Select button

How do I get this to work? I am using Chrome Version 88.0.4324.182 (Official Build) (64-bit) and V7 Gmail Zoom v2.1. In the Inbox view, the Z appears over the top of the Select button and cannot be chosen. In a message view, the Z appears to the left end of the other icons and cannot be selected. The circle Z icon appears toward the right, next to the Extensions icon. It does not provide an option to set magnification.

Bob Rollins

Feb 19, 2021

Ahh. V7 Gmail Zoom appears to conflict with the Simplify Gmail extension. When that is turned off, V Gmail Zoom works fine.

Margaret Seet

Oct 12, 2020

Larger font on my emails

I would like to have a bigger font on my emails so I can see better.
Please advise how to do this as Holdling down control and clicking ++++++
a few times does do it.
Thankt you

Simonne Flynn

Mar 7, 2020

Change font size

I could not read email that was super small font so tried to enlarge font
now it is too large. Please return to original size.

v7 addons


Mar 7, 2020

did you use my extension to enlarge font?
in upper left corner there is a "Z" letter. When you click it, it will show a popup with three zoom options. Have you try to reset those values to 100%?

Doug McCasland

Feb 3, 2020

after search problem

Hi, I updated to your latest version today. Now when I search in Gmail, the result is shown but only a narrow column. In other words the left 10% of the results are shown, the rest is normal Gmail background.

Doug McCasland

Feb 4, 2020

Problem fixed in v2.1, thanks!

v7 addons


Feb 3, 2020

new version is on the store with the fix.... it needs to be validated first...this could take from couple of hours to couple of days

v7 addons


Feb 3, 2020

thx for report
I'll look into it

Chris Rowland

Feb 3, 2020

same issue. Veiws in Labels, search do not show properly, when I turn off this extension works fine.

Rainer Mager

Jan 23, 2020

two suggestions

Hi. Great extension, thank you. I have 2 suggestions:

First, emails that come from Google about changes to Google docs that you're watching don't seem to get the magnification settings that other emails do. It would be great if this could be fixed.

Second, I use a notebook computer that is usually connected to a large, hi-res external monitor. When using Gmail on that monitor I magnify quite a bit (like 130%). But, sometimes I disconnect from the monitor to use the notebook by itself. Then I only am using the smaller screen and want to return to normal 100% magnification. It would be great if there was a setting that said something like:
For window size above X by Y use these magnification settings.
For smaller windows, use these other magnification settings.
And, then have it automatically detect window size changes and adjust automatically.

v7 addons


Jan 24, 2020

Hi Rainer

I've tested email notifications from Google spreadsheets (I hope that's what you meant).
I don't have any problems with zooming those mails, they work as expected.

This is how it looks on my side.

(it's not on English but you'll probably recognize the format, and SS is from new version that's coming in couple of days, works the same with old one)

Do you use some special layout that could break just those mails?

about your suggestion...
I think it's kinda overkill. It's meant to be simple, for not-techie people to use it easily.

laurie howlett

Jan 20, 2020

inlarge reply message

need to inlarge reply message

v7 addons


Jan 24, 2020

Coming in version 2.0, next week

Hugh MacDonald

Nov 20, 2019

change font size

I cannot follow the format you show.

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