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URL Shortener by Rebrandly

190 ratings

ExtensionWorkflow & Planning90,000 users

17 support issues

For additional help, check out the developer's support site.

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Glen Choi

Apr 9, 2023

Permissions are invasive

I installed the uninstalled this extension due to the overreaching read permissions that quickly flashed before confirming the download. The extension needs to be able to read every page, every bookmark, etc. to be able to create a short link?

Victoria Caldwell

Sep 20, 2021

Chrome plugin not working

Problem started late last week. The rebrandly plugin works, but gives me a generic address, I can't login. Selecting "login" in the plugin takes me to an "extension options" screen, but the blue "login" button just refreshes the page. I've tried restarting chrome, restarting the computer, removing and reinstalling the plugin. I can still log into the rebrandly website and manually create a link.

Media Du Phong

Sep 18, 2021

Không thể login

Tôi không thể login trên thanh toolbar. Sử dụng extension rất khó khi đăng nhập ko được

Vicki Chui

Jun 20, 2021

Shortcut key?

LOVE rebrandly!! but I can't believe i'm the first person to ask for this?

Stanford Editore

May 17, 2021

cannot sign in

cannot sign in on my other account number keeps reverting to

planet finance

Dec 29, 2020




Nov 5, 2020

Unable to use my own domain.

Showing "You are not able to create more links in current workspace" when login with my rebandly account.

Sajal Basu

Oct 29, 2020

Unable to create links using chrome ext

I just get to see this message: "You are not able to create more links in current workspace"

Chris Newton

Oct 26, 2020

chrome extension broken - when trying to login

When trying to login -- it forces user to /robots.txt page, and the access token to login doesn't work -- which forces the extension to being entirely worthless, unable to verify/authenticate/login to our Rebrandly account.

Fred Klier

Sep 2, 2020

The button dosen't work

Eu tento usar o botão de criar o atalho e ele só me mostra uma tela branca e nada acontece. Eu já testei em vários sites e estou logado no dashboard no navegador. Quando eu copio o link e levo para o site tudo funciona bem.

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