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Cristina MiliciAug 30, 2019

does not work

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Jord SApr 20, 2019

Doesn't work. Uninstalled

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Robertson SilvaFeb 2, 2018

Used to work until recently. Doesn't work anymore since January/2018

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khlorghaalJan 3, 2018

doesnt work as of now

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A DMar 18, 2016

There is a problem with Chrome in which even comments without stickers show up a [sticker] at the comment, and when there IS a sticker, it shows up like [sticker] [sticker] (twice, one of the bug, and one of the sticker indeed.)

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Riley EastonJan 25, 2016

It removes stickers on Facebook. However, it added [sticker] after every comment. Comments with stickers have two of the sticker tags. It is unfortunate that the extension is somewhat broken. Uninstalled.

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Dave AndrewsSep 30, 2015

Something has changed recently. I now see [sticker] after every comment, when there isn't a sticker there. Disabling until there's an update.

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Angel NopantsSep 8, 2015

The stickers were getting ridiculous. Thanks!!

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Adam ArchambeaultSep 2, 2015

My fiancee recently discovered the stickers. After having put up with them occasionally showing up in comment threads, I suddenly became deluged with them. This extension makes my Facebook experience tolerable again. I don't suppose there's any way to also collapse or remove comments that are just stickers rather than simply replacing stickers with text? Only way to improve this, honestly.

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Terry O'DowdJul 19, 2015

Thank you for getting rid of one of the most irritating things I've ever seen.

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