Typio Form Recovery - Интернет-магазин Chrome
Typio Form Recovery: изображение логотипа

Typio Form Recovery


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РасширениеРабота и планирование50 000 пользователей
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Autosave, everywhere. Recover lost form input with ease!

Typio Form Recovery automatically saves text as you type and lets you easily recover input data in case of loss. You are in full control of which sites auto-save is enabled on and how long the input is saved. Typio is lightweight, secure and your data never leaves your computer. The code for Typio is available to view on Bitbucket: https://bitbucket.org/nicklassandell/chrome-form-recovery/ Privacy Policy and feedback info: https://typiorecovery.github.io/ Recent changes: Version 3.2.3 (18th September 2020): Important: The Quick Restore popup will no longer show for contentEditable fields. These fields are known to not function as they should after restoring into them. Typio will no longer automatically restore data into these fields because there is no safe way of doing it. Your data can still be accessed from the Recovery Window and can be manually restored by copying and pasting it. New: Better support for re-usable input fields (common in chat applications) New: Better support for state based applications (React, Vue, Angular etc) New: The Quick Restore Icon now re-positions with input fields if they change in size New: Focus is now restored to the input after using the Quick Restore Popup to restore New: More accurate text preview in the Recovery Window. New: Improved copy function with better whitespace handling New: Updated FAQ page with more information New: The options page has been rewritten from ground up New: The entire extension has been refactored to es6 modules and the build process has been updated and improved. Fix: Fix edge cases with iframe editors Fix: Radio buttons are now saved and restored more reliably Fix: Lots of other bug fixes and preparation for future releases Version 2.4.1 (1st August 2020): Fix: In the Recovery Window, "Recover session" would not recover entries hidden hidden by the filters. Fix: Lots of bug fixes. Version 2.4.0 (29th July 2020): New: You can now press Shift Delete to delete items in the Quick Access menu (from the icon). New: Typio now stores the origin URL for each session (see "View page" next to the timestamp in the recovery window). New: "Restore previous session" keyboard shortcut now tries to restore the previous session for the currently focused input field. If no input is focused Typio will restore the previous session (regardless if the inputs exist or not). Fix: "Restore previous session" keyboard shortcut is now more reliable. Fix: The Copy button sometimes didn't work in the recovery window when the entry was of type contenteditable. This is fixed now. Version 2.3.4 (16th June, 2019): Fix: Remove forgotten console.debug Version 2.3.3 (29th May, 2019): Fix: Scrollbar bug in Recovery Dialog. Version 2.3.2 (9th March, 2019): Fix: Performance improvements for frame injection. Fix: Bug fixes for blacklist. Version 2.3.1 (8th Feb, 2019): New: Permissions description page. Change: In the last update I accidentally included the "Downloads" permission which will be used in a future feature (database manager) that is being developed. The Downloads permission was not being used and was understandably causing confusion, so I removed it. (https://bitbucket.org/nicklassandell/chrome-form-recovery/issues/75/extension-suddenly-asking-for-mange) Version 2.3.0 (8th Feb, 2019): New: Changed blacklist to match against full URL path instead of just hostname (useful with regex) Change: Disabled Save Indicator by default (can be re-enabled in options) Preparation for future release (DB manager). Version 2.2.0 (6th Dec, 2018): New: Storage statistics in recovery window New: Added "loading" text in recovery window for large databases (previously displayed "no entries found" which is misleading) Fix: Clarified text for "input found/not found" in recovery window and added tooltip text for explanation. Version 2.1.1 (4th Dec, 2018): Fix: XSS security fix (report #67) Fix: Minor design fixes Version 2.1.0 (18th Nov, 2018): Fix: Significantly improve loading speed (quicker initialisation) Fix: Icon loading is no longer a blocking event Fix: "Site is blacklisted" popup would sometimes pop up multiple times. It was a bit excessive, so I fixed it. Version 2.0 (10 Nov, 2018): New: Regex support for blacklist New: Option to reset all fields between restorations New: Option to clone entries upon restoration New: Support for multiple concurrent same-domain tabs (previously did not work properly due to storage method restrictions) New: Changed storage method, now much more reliable. New: UI updates Fix: Error messages sometimes thrown by save indicator Fix: Icon support for sites with strict CSP Fix: Typio now detects subtree changes in contenteditable fields (such as using modifier buttons in rich text fields) Version 1.8.6 (23 Mar, 2018): Fix: Fix broken scrolling in options page caused by recent Chrome update. Fix: Fix selection issues in quick restore popup Fix: Save delay shortened Fix: Hide icon on inputs smaller than 80px in width (only with "focus" trigger) Fix: Keyboard shortcut window now displays disabled shortcuts better New: Added link to open keyboard shortcuts window in toolbar popup Version 1.8 (9th Mar, 2018): New: Restore icon next to inputs (configurable in options) New: Quick Restore now has keyboard support New: Added option to hide Typio in context menu (in favor of keyboard shortcuts) New: Smarter restoration of entries that contain formatting New: "You have disabled Typio on this site" message now gives you the option to enable Typio New: Smarter display of entries in Quick Restore (Strips formatting and whitespace) Fix: Bug fix for encapsulation injection on certain sites (polymer-project.org) Fix: Keyboard shortcuts can now be pressed in any order Fix: Fix some positioning issues with Quick Restore popup Fix: "Delete all" now actually deletes all entries, including current session. Fix: Fix bug that would cause database to be cleared upon refreshing the page multiple times quickly (see issue #28). Full changelog and previous versions: https://bitbucket.org/nicklassandell/chrome-form-recovery

3,0 из 5287 оценок

Google не проверяет отзывы. Подробнее о результатах и отзывах…

Фото профиля пользователя, опубликовавшего отзыв

doctor2 мая 2024 г.

Давно уже не работает. На все формы на любых сайтах ошибка "Typio could not detect a focused input field"

1 человек посчитал этот отзыв полезным
Фото профиля пользователя, опубликовавшего отзыв

D18 мая 2023 г.

больше не работает

Считают полезным: 2 из 2
Фото профиля пользователя, опубликовавшего отзыв

Paul Melekhov11 мая 2023 г.

EN: Great extension. Was... Since February 2023 it doesn't work anymore. It's related to the Chrome update to the version 109. Nicklas Sandell (original author) is not responding. Extension last updated in 10/2020. There is a fixed version from another developer, but original extension is licensed by "Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0" which doesn't allow to modify and distribute fixed version. Therefore try using alternative extension called "Formalizr". It's almos... Ещё

Считают полезным: 5 из 5


  • Версия
  • Обновлено
    27 сентября 2020 г.
  • Автор:
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