TypeScan Font Face Ninja - Chrome Web Store
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TypeScan Font Face Ninja


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Identify Web Fonts Instantly with TypeScan Font Face Ninja. Copy with Ease, Free Always.

Instantly identify web fonts and effortlessly copy font family data with just one click. This browser extension is 100% free, offering a seamless font-finding experience without any premium features. Features: - Find what font is on a web page - Copy a font family data to the clipboard in one click - 100% free to use, no premium features "Tambua mara moja fonti za wavuti na nakili data ya familia ya fonti kwa urahisi kwa bonyeza moja tu. Kiendelezi hiki cha kivinjari ni 100% bure, kikiwapa uzoefu wa kupata fonti bila sifa yoyote ya premium. Sifa: - Pata fonti gani iko kwenye ukurasa wa wavuti - Nakili data ya familia ya fonti kwenye ubao wa kunakili kwa bonyeza moja - 100% bure kutumia, hakuna sifa za premium" Introducing TypeScan Font Face Ninja, your ultimate font identification tool! This is not just a Chrome extension; it's a digital ninja that will help you instantly identify web fonts and effortlessly copy font family data with just one click. Imagine yourself browsing through the web, and you stumble upon a font that you absolutely love. But there's a problem - you don't know how to find its name or the font family data. Enter the Font Face Ninja! This extension will instantly find out what font is on a web page and allow you to copy the font family data to your clipboard in just one click. TypeScan Font Face Ninja is the silent ninja in your browser, working behind the scenes to provide you with the information you need. It's swift, accurate, and always ready for action. With Font Face Ninja, you won't need to waste time searching for fonts manually; this ninja does all the hard work for you. • Identify fonts instantly: Font Face Ninja excels in speed and accuracy. Just hover over the text, and the ninja will reveal the font used on the web page. • Copy font data effortlessly: With a single click, Font Face Ninja allows you to copy the font family data to your clipboard, making it easy to use the font in your own projects. • 100% free: Font Face Ninja believes in the democratization of design tools. That's why it's entirely free to use, with no premium features hidden behind a paywall. The power of the Font Face Ninja lies in its simplicity. It's a straightforward, user-friendly tool that doesn't require any special skills to operate. Whether you're a professional designer or a casual browser, Font Face Ninja will transform the way you interact with fonts online. With Font Face Ninja, you can explore the world of web typography like never before. Discover new fonts, learn about different font family data, and expand your design toolkit without spending a dime. It's like having a personal font detective at your fingertips. The beauty of Font Face Ninja is that it's always there when you need it, yet it's unobtrusive when you don't. It quietly resides in your browser, ready to spring into action at a moment's notice. With Font Face Ninja, you'll always be prepared for any font-related challenge that comes your way. TypeScan Font Face Ninja is not just a tool; it's a revolution in the way we identify and use fonts on the web. It's a game-changer for designers, developers, and anyone with an interest in typography. With Font Face Ninja, the power of fonts is just a click away. So why wait? Equip yourself with the power of the Font Face Ninja and join the thousands of users who have transformed their browsing experience. With this ninja by your side, you'll never struggle with identifying fonts again. In the realm of web fonts, TypeScan Font Face Ninja is the ultimate ally. It's swift, accurate, and always ready for action. So take your typography game to the next level and let the Font Face Ninja lead the way!

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