Assistance : TwoSeven Extension
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TwoSeven Extension

57 avis

ExtensionDivertissement200 000 utilisateurs

52 problèmes nécessitant une assistance

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25 févr. 2024


Hello. I really like your site and have been using it since it came out and never had a problem with it. But lately I'm having issues with pause option. My partner who I'm watching with can play pause anytime but I can't it never allows me to pause the video

Isa D

14 nov. 2023

No me deja iniciar sesion

No me deja iniciar sesion

Rooney 1

25 mai 2023

I can't log in to the extension to upload the videos to the website.

whyyy I can't log in to the extension to upload the videos to the website.

big joecable

24 janv. 2023


I can't log in to the extension to upload the videos to the website.

Vincenzo Cuciniello

23 déc. 2021

Streaming Community.

Hi, How come twoseven cannot find the media on the site He hasn't found the media for months now, before he found them!

Rangga Wicaksono

13 août 2021

Can't login to twoseven

When I try to log in it says "something went wrong", tried it for an hour but it's still the same everytime

Isidora Moncada

2 août 2021

idioma y paginas

no se como poner en español la pagina y me da la opcion de presentar y asi pero no me deja con una pagina q es la q deseo utilizar q es animeflv intente agregarla pero no se como hacerlo para poder presentarla ;-;

Noah Chisom (areucereal)

5 juil. 2021


The hardsub stream over subtitles no longer work for crunchyroll.

Jag Hamilton

7 mai 2021

cam issues

it wont allow me to switch from my laptop cam to my peripheral cam.

neither the gear icon nor the user names appear in the upper portion of the cam window when I pass my cursor over the window. the gear icon only appears when I press pause, and even then the gear icon is frozen not active.

dimax barnes

13 avr. 2021

can´t play the web

i have the extension downloaded, i can´t reproduce even tho it shows it

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