7 support issues

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Carly Ragan

Apr 26, 2020


Hey there - would you be open to a conversation about me potentially acquiring Tumblr Optimiser?


Oct 5, 2018

je suis d accord

pas de problemes

April Showers

Oct 16, 2017

viewing an archive

Viewing an archive with Xkit I could like numerous posts or even post numerous but now archive has reverted back to the old tumblr archive which is painful to use. What happened

Edward Sears

Jan 10, 2017

tools on each site

need to be sequential to add up the sorted set of files you are looking for.

Also shut down all the ads and interruptions. How annoying!

Ext Guru

Jul 30, 2016

Partnership request!

Hello! I represent the company EXT.GURU.
I have reviewed your extension, and I would like to invite you to work with our company. I have analyzed, that your extension "Tumblr Optimiser" can bring you a guaranteed high income. You can get the maximum profit with our automatic service for monetizing browser extensions, while our advertising is not annoying or malicious, and does not prevent the extension of functionality. Our system optimizes traffic from around the world. We provide coordination of all the nuances and suggestions of webmasters. Payments are carried out upon request during one hour at a convenient system to you.
We would also like to note that our system does not interfere with other systems of monetization, you can plug in our program as an additional method to generate an income. If you have any other extensions, we can discuss.
We look forward to collaborating.

Sincerely EXT.GURU team.

ICQ: 654784658
Jabber: extguru@jabber.ru
Skype: extguru


Aug 28, 2015

Update please

Just installed this extension, and am about to try it.

Hope it works well and does what it claims.

That said, could you please update this extension to address any users' issues, add features, further optimize the code for perforance gains, etc.?

Thank you -- Have a great day!

The More You Know

Jul 20, 2015

Hi I speak Spanish ...

Yes I know clearly he is not a Spanish speaker however sometimes Spanish uses latin as a lot of other euro countries do and I know he is saying something about ''free'' and using process of elimination I think he is saying Is it free? Maybe he's new? Or really foreign ... at that weird level where even his own never have any idea what he's talking about. lol

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