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David Garth

Nov 4, 2023

Trello Birds-eye

This stopped working, but Pro for Trello being installed fixed, unfortunately Pro for Trello has now been disabled in Chrome extension store. Thanks

J Bruce Feynman Niccolo P. “Nic” Bentulan

May 24, 2023

Broken? Doesn't work for me all of a sudden.

Was there like an on / off switch for this? My experience for this is trello opened in regular view but after a few seconds it went to bird's eye. But I swear that was like a way turn off bird's eye or something? In this case I guess if there's a off switch, then there's an on switch.

Joe at SadlerGibb

Apr 19, 2023

Birds-eye not working

Previously, I have been using the extension and I have been very happy with it.
The icon no longer shows on my main trello board using Google chrome.
I have removed extension, cleared cookies, cleared site data, , updated chrome and restarted my lenovo computer. Then I reinstalled the extension and the icon and features are still not there. What should I do?

Kelona Hamilton

May 12, 2022

Card Headers Font Colors

Hi, love this extension. Thank you so much for taking the time to design it. Its simple, but beautiful! I've run into one issue, is there anyway to change the automatic font header color so that they can have individual rules set? For example, I need some headers to remain black and some to be white. Even if we could adjust the options for all headers and not individuals, that would be helpful! Please let me know. Thanks again.

Dr. Brad Wilkerson

Jan 28, 2019

Trello Birds-eye

Is there any way to not change cards list header to white. I cannot read it against any of my backgrounds. Thanks you.

Mark Saylor

Jan 15, 2019

Hide Card Cover Images (Implemented 1/14/19)

Is there a way that you could make this option optional? I use the Card Cover Images with Birdseye to group my task cards in a list. I have created images that are about the size of the Birdseye cards for High Priority, Low Priority, etc. It was looking very professional and helped tremendously, but now that functionality is gone with your release yesterday.

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