Translator - Kedai Web Chrome
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Gambaran keseluruhan

Translate words and phrases while browsing the web, using Google translator.

The extension will help you translate terms and phrases using Google translator when browsing the internet. This is a quick and functional plugin for translation. Our plugin's primary aim is to help users browse the internet without language limitations. For this reason, we first adopted the concept of the reading experience of the user. Our cool features: * In the extension settings, you can set your language and it will automatically translate anything into that language. The translator can detect the language of the website on which you are located. As well as listening to the correct pronunciation of translated words and phrases on a new tab, users can quickly translate snippets of text. * Highlight or right-click the text section and then click the Translate icon next to the text section to translate it into your language. The result will be opened in a new tab. * Google Translate's API to translate terms and phrases, which to some degree guarantees the accuracy of translation outcomes. * Friendly side pop-up. To avoid blocking the content from impacting the reading, the pop-up display bar will force the user's reading content. * Simple and transparent display column for the translation result, highlighting relevant information and ensuring that the attention of the user is centered on the displayed content rather than the trivial items like the display box. * It's determine for themselves which content they need to view in the translation results. For instance, if you only want to know the word's meaning, you may choose to see only the word's common meaning. We also include the pronunciation, meaning, thorough description, example sentence, if you want to know the basic use of a word as well. So, when you need a fast translation to another language, where do you go? A buddy or a dictionary of foreign languages? Now, if you need to translate words regularly, you can use a handy browser extension to get the most easy access to Google's online translation services with this extension.

4.3 daripada 537 rating

Google tidak mengesahkan ulasan. Ketahui lebih lanjut tentang hasil carian dan ulasan.


  • Versi
  • Dikemas kini
    14 November 2023
  • Saiz
  • Bahasa
    51 bahasa
  • Pembangun
    Laman Web
  • Bukan pedagang
    Pembangun ini masih belum mengenal pasti dirinya sebagai pedagang. Untuk pengguna dalam Kesatuan Eropah, harap maklum bahawa hak pengguna tidak digunakan pada kontrak antara anda dengan pembangun ini.


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  • Tidak dijual kepada pihak ketiga, di luar kes penggunaan yang diluluskan
  • Tidak digunakan atau dipindahkan untuk tujuan yang tidak berkaitan dengan fungsi teras item
  • Tidak digunakan atau dipindahkan untuk menentukan kepercayaan kredit atau untuk tujuan pemberian pinjaman


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