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Trading212 CSV exporter


14 ratings


4.4 out of 5

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Martin ŠApr 2, 2024

Hello, on the current new Trading 212 web app, Trading212 CSV Explort is broken and the old web app will no longer be supported as of April 15. Will Trading212 CSV Explort be modified to still be functional on the new application at

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Robert ClementsDec 22, 2021

The ability to schedule a automated daily/weekly download would be really helpful if possible.

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Mark LanniJan 24, 2021

love it, however can we be sure its a safe extension?

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Raed Al SulaitiJan 14, 2021

I really like the app and helped me a lot to do my sheets much more faster. But, sometimes you can't export holding only div and orders other then that the app is great. but, I hope you guys fix the holding I tried many ways to fix it and I couldn't.

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Gulden PTDeveloperJan 16, 2021

Hi Raed, In version 1.3 that bug will be fixed, I'm waiting for Google review and approval. Let me know if that won't get fixed. Best, Gulden

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Babypixie ptJan 7, 2021

I really like how helpful and easy it is to export my holdings and transactions to a csv file!

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Denise HanrahanJan 5, 2021

Very practical and useful. Top marks.

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Gulden PTDeveloperJan 7, 2021

Thanks for the feedback really appreciated.

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Anthony MariJan 4, 2021

Any reason why it is bringing back NaN results?

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Gulden PTDeveloperJan 15, 2021

I fixed the issue with the help of another user that had the same issue. The issue is fixed in version 1.3 that I'm just waiting for Google's review and approval

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ScoopSumSujJan 1, 2021

unhappy with it, simply because nothing happens when i press the export orders button, not sure why, ive removed and readded the extension several times, tried it on chrome and microsft edge, but still doesnt work

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Gulden PTDeveloperJan 4, 2021

Did the latest version fixed your issue?

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Fábio BarbosaJan 1, 2021

This is the kind of extension I was looking for. Just waiting for it to say if its a buy or a sell to give it 5 stars! **EDIT** The feature showing the sell and buy works perfect, thanks for the update. There is also another issue, at least for me: I need to select the time range in the same month. If I select 2 months or more of time range, it just exports the data from 1 month.

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Gulden PTDeveloperJan 2, 2021

Hi Fabio, Just pushed a new version 0.8 it will be available after Google's approval. Whats New: - feature: Add Orders extra fields like type (sell or buy), status and datetime - fix: Exporting rejected orders Thanks for the feedback and let me know if you have any issues :)

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Vitalii LakustaJan 1, 2021

Please add a time to the date as well, on transactions export, thank you.

1 person found this review to be helpful
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Gulden PTDeveloperJan 2, 2021

Hi Vitalii, Just pushed a new version 0.8 it will be available after Google's approval. Whats New: - feature: Add Orders extra fields like type (sell or buy), status and datetime - fix: Exporting rejected orders Thanks for the feedback and let me know if you have any issues :)

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