Top Best Jobs For Felons - Chrome'i veebipood
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Top Best Jobs For Felons

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Top Best Jobs For Felons Believe it or not, felons can indeed get jobs. It…

Top Best Jobs For Felons Believe it or not, felons can indeed get jobs. It is often believed that the best jobs for these individuals are those that do not run background checks on applicants. This is one way to go. However, there are companies that have active open door policies regarding hiring felons. In the United States, statistics show that more than 20 million people have been convicted of a felony at some point or another. These people need jobs. Thankfully, there are some out there. You just need to know where to look to level the playing field. Best Jobs for Felons Below, you’re going to find out where you can get a job as a felon. Trade Jobs First and foremost, you should know that trade jobs are often very felon friendly. You’ll need to have some type of skill though. You can learn to become a plumber or you can get into the heating and cooling industry. As long as you’re willing to learn a trade, there is a good chance that you’ll be able to find a job in the trade industry. Schooling or becoming an apprentice may be required before you can secure a job in a trade industry. IT The IT world is expanding each and every day. The good news is that felons have been able to secure jobs in this particular area. As long as your crime has nothing to do with fraud, theft or computer crimes, there is a good chance you’ll be able to get an IT job too. If you’re unable to find a company willing to hire you, going freelance is always an option. This will give you the ability to work on your own schedule from the comfort of your own home. Just remember that you’ll need a computer and a reliable Internet connection. Merchandising Before going any further, you should know that you can get a job in merchandising. The pay isn’t going to be great, but you’ll make an honest living. You will be required to work hard and get yourself sweaty. Becoming a shipping and receiving clerk is one possible option. With this type of career, you’ll likely be able to make at least $24,000 each year. Driving Finally, you should think about getting your CDL. A commercial driver’s license will give you the ability to travel the country and make money along the way. It might not be fun, but it is a great job for felons. In fact, a lot of people like being truck drivers. You might just fall in love with it.

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  • Värskendatud
    23. märts 2019
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    45 keelt
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