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Titans Quick View - Amazon Niche Finder


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Niche & Keyword Research Tool, Amazon Quick View BSR Data for Amazon KDP & MBA

This Titans Amazon Quick View works on all Amazon marketplaces. This extension will help you with niche & keyword research for Amazon FBA, KDP and Merch by Amazon. TOP EXTENSION BAR DATA FEATURES: * Average Amazon BSR (Best Seller Rank) * Average BSR calculation * Average price calculation * Average reviews calculation * Keyword / Niche Score calculation * Download data option SINGLE PRODUCT BOX DATA FEATURES: * Main BSR & Sub BSR * Type of Book * Page count * Book size * Publish date You can simply click the download button, and it will create an excel file with all ASINs, Author/Seller names and all Titles for every product on the home page. You can use this for research and best of all for ads creations to target all the best sellers directly as a product campaign, a keyword campaign targeting their author name as well as the book title. This keyword niche score is an algorithm that I have been perfecting over the last year and use daily for research. It is recommend finding niches with a score of 62% and higher. This algorithm takes into account all listings on the first page and goes through how many exact product results there are, how many results on the first page, what all the prices are and the average, what the reviews are and the average, what all individual BSR are and the average and then uses all the data combined into a very thorough algorithm to determine how easy it will be to compete and rank on page 1 and what keywords to use for ads to get the best traction in rankings. You can't simply rely on just how many results and some BSR data. What is the results and BSR is good, but every book on page 1 has a TON of reviews, or MOST books have some low price that you can't really compete with, especially with no reviews and no ads... The algorithm takes everything into consideration. Imagine how much easier publishing book with Kindle Direct Publishing can become. No more guess work on Amazon search pages, no more time consuming copy & pasting, no more endless calculations. I hope this brings you lots of ease and success with your KDP Amazon journey. Happy Selling from Self Publishing Titans

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卖家精灵 - 亚马逊关键词优化,大数据选品专家



Amazon Quick View by AMZScout


在亞馬遜搜索頁面上查看保證金,BSR,ASIN,大小等! 搜索或瀏覽產品時,所有關鍵數據都將可用。 此外,無需使用任何工具即可獲得獨家新聞。

Amazon Product Finder - AMZScout PRO Extension



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Price History Extension for Amazon & Flipkart. Amazon and Flipkart Price Tracker. Track Amazon & Flipkart prices, view Price charts

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