Times Tables - ‏سوق Chrome الإلكتروني
صورة شعار "Times Tables"

Times Tables


تقييمان (2)

92 مستخدمًا
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نظرة عامة

Train your Times Tables. Train Your Brain. Train your mental math (Mathematics Grade 3). Learn your multiplication tables with this…

Train your Times Tables. Train Your Brain. Train your mental math (Mathematics Grade 3). Learn your multiplication tables with this fun game. Allows you to choose which times tables you wish to practice. - Be the best and unlock the 36 levels; - Times tables flash cards; - Select the Levels; - Fun for all. The best math trainer, math game for young, old, kids (third grade), adults. Can also be used as multiplication flash cards en train your brain. Target: primary, secondary (junior), students with automation problems (dyscalculia).

‫2 من 5تقييمان (2)

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  • الإصدار
  • تم التحديث
    3 أبريل 2015
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