3.5 out of 5

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Ciaran MaguireJun 6, 2018

This is a simple but great extension, does exactly what it says

5 out of 6 found this helpful
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Alan SampsonMar 16, 2017


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Ivn LnsMar 6, 2017

This is exactly what i was looking for. It just calculates shift times for you, for example (09:45 to 13:20 + 16:10 to 21:40) = 9h 5m!

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G. Deoudis (Sky Feather)Nov 20, 2015

It's only for adding time, NOT for subtracting time. Also returned an error saying something about 24 hrs. I added 3 simple times to test it and I got an error back...

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River AtkinsonFeb 5, 2015

for calculating time it was awful. you couldn't add more than 2 times together, and you could only add. you cant add things like 33:53 (33 minuets, 53 seconds) also, im the only one who has reviewed this and i gave it one star, and yet it still shows up as 5 stars. this guy hacked it or something.

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