TikClient - Web Client for TikTok™ - Magazinul web Chrome
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TikClient - Web Client for TikTok™


29 de evaluări

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Captură de ecran a elementului media 1
Captură de ecran a elementului media 1
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Captură de ecran a elementului media 3
Captură de ecran a elementului media 4

Prezentare generală

Run web client for TikTok just like your favorite mobile app.

TikTok is one of the biggest and the most popular video community in the world. Share highlights from your own life with the world and watch cool short videos shared by talent and creative people. So have you ever thought about such a question: How to view it in a mobile view on pc? Web TikTOK Mobile View - Denote is definitely a type of extension you were looking for. It transforms your web tiktok view to mobile view, allows you to use mobile Tik Tok version on your pc. It is a simple Chrome extension that customizes to look exactly like a mobile app, has a quick access to best video content online. Just in one click on the extension icon in chrome toolbar, it will pop up in a small window. Extension won`t mess with personal data or track your online activities. This convenient window contains all the functions that are available on the site or in the application. You will never miss new, interesting videos and clips - enjoy all the features of the TikTok™ mobile application in your browser! 🚀Features: ** Easy to use: Watch web tiktok in mobile form in browser with one click; ** Support share: easy to share video in your social network ** Support login: you can sign or login in the tiktok ** No ads and No limits: Do not need to jump to other website and paste the video URL you copied. 🚀How does it work? After you open this tool, a piece of code will be executed in the current tab. This code is responsible for analyzing the json code and open a new tab in chrome to show tiktok in a mobile view. Then it will add Event listener to watch your mouse action in the chrome,such as click home icon, comment icon, mouse in a drag to scroll to the next video.You can view avatars in the highest quality. Easily copy captions, user IDs, post IDs, and hashtags in posts. 🚀How to use? ‒ Add Web TikTok Mobile Viewer - Denote to your chrome. ‒ Pin it in your tab. ‒ Click on the extension icon in chrome toolbar, mobile tiktok version will pop up in a small window ‒ To scroll to the next video, use the mouse in a drag-n-drop manner in the vertical direction.

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  • Versiune
  • Data ultimei actualizări
    30 iunie 2023
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    54 limbi
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