TeQatlas helps VC investors make data-driven decisions by using comprehensive analysis tools directly from the browser.
TeQatlas: Instant insights for VCs and Angels Introducing to you an extension for VC investors and Business Angels made by investors. Organize your deal flow more efficiently and keep all companies from different sources in one place. You can access TeQatlas comprehensive analysis tool directly from your browser while visiting a company’s website, reading the news, or doing online research. TeQatlas for Chrome offers real-time investment insights based on AI to help Angel investors and VC funds make data-driven decisions by saving efforts for pre-screening - you’ll get it covered! ➤ 3 steps to get started: - Download the TeQatlas extension - Create your investor account - Set up your investment focus ➤ How it works: Find out the company's relevancy based on your investment focus Save highly relevant companies to your Radar for future reference Monitor the new messages from investees in Chat Room on TeQatlas ➤ Who is it for? For angel investors: run your pre-screen in seconds, and do not miss out on your investment opportunities by having all companies under the hood of TeQatlas. Hire your personal AI-based deal-flow assistant to do this job for you. For VC funds: start to make data-driven decisions in a few clicks and keep all companies from different sources in one place. No way to turn your deal flow into a mess! ➤ Benefits: (1) One click to the insight See how the company is relevant to you within seconds. Trust the data and our intelligent Relevance Score to do the work for you. (2) Integrated workflow Save all companies in one place and without opening your CRM. We made sure that your deal-sourcing activities are synced with the help of the personal assistant. (3) Not a single missed opportunity Follow companies' updates and get notified once there is any relevant news regarding company status, releases, or new active deals. ➤ Terms and Conditions https://teqatlas.com/terms-of-use Learn more: https://teqatlas.com/ Follow us: LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/TeQatlas Twitter: https://twitter.com/TeQatlas
- Версия0.1.11
- Обновлено29 августа 2023 г.
- Размер699KiB
- ЯзыкиEnglish
- РазработчикTeQatlas GmbHСайт
Langfurenstrasse 6, 8143 Stallikon Zurich 8143 CHЭлектронная почта
tech@teqatlas.com - ПродавецЭтот разработчик заявил, что является продавцом согласно определению Европейского Союза.
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