Telegram Video Downloader - Telegram Pictures Download - Chrome'i veebipood
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Telegram Video Downloader - Telegram Pictures Download
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22 hinnangut

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انقر على تحميل الفيديو من كل مجموعة أو قناة تليغرام.

🌟 Introducing the "Telegram Video Downloader" Chrome Extension! 🌟 🚀 Key Features 🚀 <New Features> ”Download Month“ at Media/Music/Voice tab, for batch download all media files in the month. Menu path: "Group Info" or "Channel Info" -> Media/Music/Voice tab. Usage: 1. Scroll down to end of the month, and scroll up to the begin of the month. 2. Click "Download Month" button. One-Click Downloads: Quickly save audio/video from any Telegram group or channel directly to your computer. Supports a variety of formats including videos, music, movies, audios, images, etc., such as MP4, MPEG, OGG, and more. Simple and Secure: Easy to use, no passwords, API logins, or additional permissions required. Support Around the Clock: Our developer team is available 24/7 to assist you with any questions. Flexible Subscription: Free users usage 5 limits, while subscribers can enjoy unlimited access to all features! 🖥️ Platform Compatibility 🖥️ Runs on Chrome browsers without the need for additional software, supports both Mac and Windows. 🛠️ Getting Started 🛠️ 1. Install the Extension: Download and install directly from the Chrome Web Store. 2. Pin the Extension: Click the “Extensions” button next to your profile avatar in the browser, find this plugin, and click the “Pin” icon to attach it to the toolbar. 3. Start Downloading: Go to the Telegram web version (, browse through dialogues, and click the plugin icon in the toolbar to batch download the resources you need. Disclaimer Please abide by local laws and do not download or distribute copyrighted content without permission. This extension is independently developed and is not affiliated with the official Telegram app/website. 🎉 Experience Top Features with Our Affordable Subscription 🎉 Just try it out and you’ll see why this extension’s functionality and stability are the best! Install now and enjoy the ultimate downloading experience! 👇 👉 Install Now 🌐 Join us for easy downloads and enjoy an efficient lifestyle! 🚀 tag:Telegram private video downloader | Telegram restricted video downloader | Telegram private channel group video downloader, chrome extetion not bot. How can I download videos from a private telegram? Easily grab telegram private videos from any Telegram group or channel

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  • Versioon
  • Värskendatud
    15. juuli 2024
  • Funktsioonid
    Pakub rakendusesiseseid oste
  • Suurus
  • Keeled
    50 keelt
  • Arendaja
  • Mittekaupleja
    See arendaja pole ennast kauplejaks määranud. Pange tähele, et Euroopa Liidu tarbijate puhul ei kehti tarbijaõigused teie ja selle arendaja vahelistele lepingutele.


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  • ei müüda kolmandatele osapooltele väljaspool heakskiidetud kasutusjuhtumeid;
  • ei kasutata ega edastata eesmärkidel, mis pole seotud üksuse põhifunktsiooniga;
  • ei kasutata ega edastata krediidivõime väljaselgitamiseks ega laenu pakkumiseks.


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