3 support issues

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David Campos

Jan 6, 2023

On option not working correctly

When I use the "remind me on" and select any date and time and click "add reminder" the task completes immediately. It shows the notification for it, and does not show it under tasks tab as it has completed. I make sure I am selecting a date in the future and I can see the date and time on the extension are the same as my computer.
The option to remind me in minutes works fine.


Sep 21, 2022

Repetir la alarma creada

Me gustaria ver que en una alarma creada (en su proceso de creacion) tenga la capacidad y la opcion de poder repetirse cada cierto tiempo (cada dia, cada semana, cada mes)

Vipin Thomas

Oct 5, 2015

Suggestions to imporve

Hey I discovered Task Reminder extension in search for something that can get into my work and remind or stuff easily with minimum intervention..
I think you have sleek app and with some little enhancement can help stickiness to the app..

1st and most imp if you can add the ability to right click a text and add as reminder (this will help virtually integrating into any webpage and get into the workflow of the user)

2nd in some way get the reminder on phone, one of the easiest approach could be by getting a webcal url for your reminder items which I can add to virtually any standard calendar.

Google apps