TankZ Shooting Game - Chrome Web Store
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TankZ Shooting Game

ExtensieGames80 gebruikers
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In dit tankspel explodeer je alle tanks met kogels die specifiek zijn voor de kleur van de tanks op het juiste moment.

Do you like tank games! Take your best shot with colorful tanks and beat all your opponents. TankZ Shooting is an exciting tank shooting simulator with 2D graphics and impressive sound effects. This game attracts players by presenting tank battles with a realistic experience. In the game, you aim to win against enemy tanks using your strategy and quick-thinking skills. The basic mechanics of the game are pretty simple. You cannot move your tank; however, you can shoot bullets according to the colors of the tank. It would help if you neutralized the tanks coming from the opposite side by throwing the bullets that matched the color of the tanks. If you shoot a bullet of a different color instead of blocking the enemy's bullet, you will gain an advantage and may lose the game. For this reason, you must carefully plan your every shot and choose the shells that match the colors of the enemy tanks. TankZ Shooting is a game where you can improve your skills in quick thinking, using your reflexes and strategic planning. As the enemy tanks rapidly approach, you must quickly decide which color bullet you should fire. Timing is also essential; If you wait too long, enemies can reach your area and cause severe damage to you. You will need to shoot quickly and accurately to achieve high scores in the game. The number and speed of enemy tanks will increase from level to level, making the game increasingly difficult. While each level comes with a new challenge, you can improve yourself and achieve higher scores with the experience and skills you gain. How To Play Played with Mouse. TankZ Shooting Game Features ✓ Infinity Level ✓ Basic control ✓ Little Particle ✓ Cartoon Graphics Finally, you can enjoy these game for free (and more requests will be added)! TankZ Shooting Game extension does not contain any hidden ads. Help and Contact Contact with us at info@pickergame.com and share your thoughts and problems.

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  • Versie
  • Geüpdatet
    28 augustus 2023
  • Grootte
  • Talen
    44 talen
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