Tabs Outliner - Chrome Web Store
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Tabs Outliner

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The Next Generation Session Manager; A Really Working Too Many Open Tabs Solution; And Your Browsing Notebook.

Tabs Outliner is a fusion of tabs manager, session manager and an tree like personal information organizer. It’s also embed instruments that greatly help reduce open tabs count by making possible easily annotate and close-save open windows and tabs in their original context. And what’s more important - allow then working with there saved tabs practically in the same way as with open ones, thus greatly reducing resources usage. It also implements one of the best ways to handle crashed sessions - an unfortunate reality for users with a habit of accumulating hundreds of open tabs. = FEATURES AND CAPABILITIES = ☀ Complete Overview of all your open and saved tabs and windows, along with custom added notes and marks. ☀ Flexible and fully editable by Drag and Drop Tree - everything can be easily organized in logical hierarchies and delimited groups; unlike in other similar tools every node can be a parent for any other node, all items can be freely reordered to specify priority or importance. And all of this can be done not only with somewhere saved links - but with open tabs and windows! ☀ Close and save - just in one click you can preserve “in place” any tab or window in their original context and surrounding in the Tree. Saved windows and tabs can be freely mixed with those that are open. And as Tabs Outliner window is often active all the time, because it’s enormously useful to observe all currently active items, things saved in it does not fall out of the focus, as this often happen with other tools that save everything in some separate lists, so the actual action to close-save something to free resources become mentally much ease and really accomplished. ☀ Innovative Tabs Outlining And Organizing Features – you will be able annotate windows and tabs, add comments to them, summary of main ideas, to-do items. Text notes can be easily added in the Tree directly from web pages, just by Drag and Drop. ☀ Tree Style Tab feature - those who remember famous Firefox plugin with the same name immediately recognize inspired by it very useful way to relate tabs to one another. This feature relates newly opened tabs to the tab from which they were opened, which automatically builds strong context for all items and nicely visualize tabs relations. ☀ Crash Resistance and Restore Feature Done Right - no more hassles after browser crash or sudden system restart. No more being forced to all or nothing choice, like with the default Chrome crash restoration: to lose all of these “remind me of something” tabs, or to have again a completely unresponsive PC, if you load all of them back. This extension makes it possible to reopen only windows you need NOW, or even some individual tabs inside them, without losing others. Everything will be available to reopen anytime you decide and in the same context and place where they were crashed without consuming any resources, along with newly created tabs, as if you simply continue your session without any crash. ☀ Tabs List Exporter - easily export and share the annotated list of your tabs through Google Doc, Word, Evernote, email or some messenger. Hierarchies of windows can be exported individually simply by Drag & Drop. Or the whole tree can be saved as HTML file (by Ctrl-S in the main window). ☀ One Click Procrastination Stopper - Close-Save All currently open windows and tabs just in one click! Without losing all of the context and structure. Regain your attention and your PC responsiveness - momentary become ready again for some new work. = PAID FEATURES= Everything mentioned above can be used absolutely for free, but to support project there are some additional paid features that can be indefinitely enabled for a small one-time payment ($14.95) and an unobtrusive banner that show up once in few weeks to remind about their existence: ☀ Keyboard Shortcuts and Clipboard support which enables whole new dimension and speed for tree manipulations and editing by pro users. ☀ Access to frequent local backups that are saved every few minutes for restoring accidental edits or deletions or to review latest changes. ☀ Automatic Daily Backups to your Google Drive. Not only this secure your data this also enables possibilities to access your tree remotely from some other PC. This paid features are completely optional and application can be effectively used without enabling them. In additional that the tree is constantly save all changes locally, backups and data exports can be done manually at any time. It’s not required to pay anything for this.

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Nachdem ich das Video auf YouTube abgespielt habe, dachte ich mir nur wtf where is the download button. Werde es jetzt mal Testen. Könnte mir wirklich eine Menge Zeit ersparen bei all dem rumgeklicke jeden Tag.

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Danny Mühlen16.12.2021

Chrome hat in kurzer Zeit sein verbrauchtes Datenvolumen innerhalb kurzer Zeit mehr als verdoppelt, obwohl ich nicht mehr alle Tabs offen hatte. Jetzt hab ich das hier gefunden und so wie es nach einem Tag aussieht funktioniert die Erweiterung genau in meinem Sinn. Und da nicht mehr alle Tabs offen sind, reagieren die offenen auch schneller. Alles in allem Volltreffer für mich! Nur ein finde ich etwas schade: Ich möchte gerne die Textpassagen kopieren, damit ich sie absatzweise übersetzen kan... Mehr anzeigen

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Endres Puschner03.07.2020

Leider sind viele Features erst in der Premiumversion nach Zahlung von 10-15 $ brauchbar. Ansonsten hätte ich sehr gerne mit dieser Erweiterung gearbeitet, aber so funktioniert das nicht. Zudem hat der Entwickler angekündigt das Preismodell weiter zu verschärfen, bzw. bei weiteren Features mit dem Preis noch weiter hochzugehen, und das kann und will ich nicht machen müssen. Chrome ist ein kostenloser guter Browser, der eigentlich von Haus aus auch eine vernünftigere Tab-Verwaltung verdient ha... Mehr anzeigen

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