Tab Pinner (Keyboard Shortcuts)
Tab Pinner (Keyboard Shortcuts)의 상품 로고 이미지

Tab Pinner (Keyboard Shortcuts)


평점 119개

확장 프로그램도구10,000 사용자
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항목 미디어 3 스크린샷


Pin or Unpin a tab easily from the keyboard.

It's annoying to have to right click a tab and choose "Pin Tab," and slows down your browsing workflow. This extension seeks to solve that by adding in a simple key binding for doing just that: Pinning and Unpinning tabs while browsing. The default key binding is Ctrl + Shift + X (or Command + Shift + X on Mac OS X). This extension requires no special permissions and doesn't inject anything into a page, the key binding is configurable from your extensions page so you can bind this to whatever you feel comfortable typing regularly. To edit keybindings click the menu icon in the top left to open the sidebar and select "Keyboard Shortcuts." Or, you can navigate to chrome://extensions/shortcuts with your address bar. Once you've got it set up the way you want to get to pinning those tabs quickly and easily! --- November 27, 2017 Note I've uploaded the source for this extension (extremely small) to Github. If you're interested to see what it takes to make this thing tick check out the "tab_pinner.js" file, if you want to make changes just make a PR with your proposed update. Enjoy! --- April 30, 2015 Update! Due to another comment (I guess another will come shortly after I post this update) there is yet another new command now that allows you to PIN all tabs at once (in the current window). Now you can pin/unpin your current tab and Pin/Unpin all tabs of the current window! Hooray! I don't think I'll be willing to add anything more to keep things quite simple; however, if more suggestions do come in and they're not very complex or fit will with what is already done then I will most likely implement them when I can. --- April 24, 2015 Update! Due to comment request (even though it was just one, but I try and take care of you guys) I've added another keyboard shortcut for unpinning all pinned times at once. No other functionality was changed so feel free to use or ignore the new feature!

5점 만점에 4.8점평점 119개

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