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Aisha ZubairDec 23, 2024
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works perfect for youtube music, but never works for spotify web. for spotify, itll show the first song that played then wont change
Thank you for reporting this issue! You can follow the bug report here: https://github.com/SynQApp/Extension/issues/64 We have identified the issue and a fix, and we are pushing the fix to the Chrome Web Store now. We will update the GH issue when it's been published.
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Able BodiedDec 10, 2024
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Great extension. The github + extension page mentions keyboard shortcuts but I can't find anything to set them or what they already are.
Andrew WhittakerNov 18, 2024
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There was an odd bug that caused the mini player to scroll up and hide the controls for the player. I reported it on Github and it was fixed in less than a day. Great job supporting a great tool.
Francisco GuzmánNov 4, 2024
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Incredible functional extension. This deserves to be shared and used by everyone. Nice!
Santhosh RadhakrishnaOct 29, 2024
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Most useful plugin i could find for music pop up in chrome.
Van MitOct 14, 2024
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To all the people stuck on 'choose player menu'. SOLVED. Just go to your extension icon top right (if u hadn't pinned the extension) then right-click on the extension icon. Now go to ur YT music tab play and can use the widget. Think it is Chrome's fault.
aswin devSep 30, 2024
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Not working for YouTube Music. It keeps giving me the "choose platform" window and no matter how many times I click on YouTube Music it does nothing
Hey there! I've fixed this issue. The problem is that when you first install the extension, the scripts to collect information from the YTM page haven't run yet and you need to refresh the page. Now, the popup will tell you when a refresh is needed and give you a button to refresh them.
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Pratham veAug 19, 2024
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exactly what i was looking for, good simple UI as well, hope its not looking into my weird searches
Abd Al-Rahman JodehAug 6, 2024
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Whey I have to allow "Read and change all your data on all websites" Permission while the Extension just need to gain access to the following URL to be Fully work: *://music.amazon.com/* *://music.apple.com/* *://music.youtube.com/* *://open.spotify.com/* https://*.synqapp.io/* What else you need for my privacy; you already get the access to the Previous URL and more {"Read your browsing history and Display notifications"}. Do you really need the browsing history by the way? "SynQ requires... Show more
Hey there, thanks for the feedback. I definitely understand your concern - hopefully this explanation can help. Unfortunately, Chrome's messaging about permissions is quite frustrating and they give us developers very little control over it. "Read your browsing history" - This is not actually something SynQ cares about nor does anything with, but because we require the "tabs" permission to be able to sync the music tabs to the mini player, that permission technically would allow the extension the ability to see your browsing history as that falls under the "tabs" permission. As such, Chrome warns you that SynQ technically has the ability to do that if it wanted to, and there's no way for us as the developers to specify further that we don't actually need or use that capability. "Display notifications" - This is part of an optional feature of SynQ which you can disable, but again because it technically can do that, it shows as a required permission. "Read and change all your data on all websites" - This is a tough one. You're right that SynQ does not currently actually need to be able to do this. However, we've been burned before by adding new permissions as it disables the extension for every existing user, causing mass uninstalls. Since we planned to add support for additional music services, we decided to pre-empt it by requesting full access now. Note that all of this code is open source for anyone to verify, and they can build it and check that it is in fact the same as the code you see in your browser: https://github.com/SynQApp/Extension
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French Church du Saint-Esprit (StEspritNYC)Jun 28, 2024
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Not working for YouTube Music. It keeps giving me the "choose platform" window and no matter how many times I click on YouTube Music it does nothing. I checked all permissions and restarted Chrome. Nothing.