sync evernote to notion - Chrome Web Store
Logotypbild för objektet sync evernote to notion

sync evernote to notion
TilläggArbetsflöde och planering54 användare
Media för objektet: 2 skärmbild
Media för objektet: 1 skärmbild
Media för objektet: 2 skärmbild
Media för objektet: 1 skärmbild
Media för objektet: 1 skärmbild
Media för objektet: 2 skärmbild


easily sync evernote note to notion with one click

The Sync Evernote to Notion plugin allows users to seamlessly synchronize and save Evernote notes to Notion. It offers a one-click sync feature that effortlessly integrates Evernote notes with the Notion platform. This plugin serves the following purposes: Convenient and Quick Sync: Users can swiftly sync their Evernote notes to Notion using this plugin, eliminating the need for manual copy-pasting and enhancing productivity. Installing this plugin is highly beneficial for users because it: Improves Work Efficiency: Users can efficiently manage and organize their Evernote notes, associating them with projects, tasks, or other content in Notion. This provides a comprehensive and structured work environment. Simplifies Workflow: Seamless integration between Evernote and Notion enables easy sharing and collaboration, minimizing the hassle of switching between platforms and copying/pasting. This streamlines the work process. Backup and Cross-Platform Access: Users can create backups of their Evernote notes in Notion using this plugin, ensuring data safety and consistency. It also enables accessing note content anytime, anywhere. The Sync Evernote to Notion plugin offers a simple and effective solution, facilitating effortless synchronization of note content between Evernote and Notion. It enhances work efficiency and improves the overall user experience.

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  • Version
  • Uppdaterat
    10 augusti 2023
  • Funktioner
    Erbjuder köp i appen
  • Storlek
  • Språk
    53 språk
  • Utvecklare
    xianganwanjiaonailuchengjie 345num 九龍, 香港 510000 CN
  • Icke-näringsidkare
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  • inte säljs till tredje part, förutom i godkända användningsfall
  • inte används eller överförs för ändamål som inte är relaterade till objektets huvudfunktioner
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