17 support issues
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Gio Sal
27 Aug 2024
"Best Practices" req't.
Hi Stephen, LOVE your SVG Export extension. Will you be updating 'best practices' to get around this warning on the app page ... "This extension may soon no longer be supported because it doesn't follow best practices for Chrome extensions." Thanks much!
Nitin Jaiswar
26 Aug 2023
application not download
app not downloaded
George Fitzgerald
18 Apr 2023
doesnt even work
waste of time
Nick Oertel
8 Apr 2021
How can I export a SVG?
How can I export a SVG now???
Just rightclick on a picture is not working...
Steven Mancera
7 Oct 2020
Web extension is not working on Discord web app
Can you enable the SVG export on the https://discord.com/app web app?
Wanted to make a Discord UX redesign, and if I could grab their icon set by your tool, it would be very helpful.
Feature suggestion : Lastly, if the SVG grabbing process of your extension has failed because the web app prevented you from doing it or something, at least launch the SVG Export on the new tab, & show an error message.
We endlessly clicking it, reloading & hoping the said webpage is not a great experience.
Or on that error message, give us like a contact form or a bug report submission at bottom, when the SVG Export app is not working.
So we can report that not working webpage, in hopes that your web extensions fixes it and support it in the future update.
Thanks, and please support Discord web app SVG export very soon.
Steven Mancera
30 May 2020
Doesn't work on some websites.
I love the new UI and redesign. But there's some sites where clicking the SVG Export extension icon doesn't launch the extension itself.
For example on messages.google.com. I want to get the Google Messages logo in SVG, but the web app doesn't open at all. No matter how many times I click it or wait. This is a common bug on some sites or scenarios? Any fixes on this? No permission to get the SVG perhaps?
Can you fix it?
I suggest that you make a better extension icon by the way, something that's more colorful, and will be appropriate for Dark / Light mode UI of Chrome.
Thanks, keep doing what you do
Praveen Naga
27 May 2020
Clicking on icon in chrome does nothing!
I have installed it and uninstalled it couple of times. Restarted chrome couple of times. But clicking on extension icon does nothing. Not sure if it is broken!
SVG export Version: 2.0.1, Chrome on Mac version: 81.0.4044.138, Mac OS version: Mojave 10.14.6
Zongze Yang
9 May 2020
UTF-8 support
When I export a figure with chinese to `svg` Format, it will print an error " Failed to execute 'btoa' on 'Window': The string to be encoded contains characters outside of the Latin1 range." Could we support the UTF-8?
27 Jan 2020
Menu blank and zip empty
I was attempting to download an svg from here https://tails.boum.org/contribute/how/promote/material/stickers/tails-sticker-alternate.svg
but as the subject says the drop down menu is blank and the zip folder is empty.
Arihan Jalan
2 Aug 2018
Limited to only 9 svg elements
I'm trying to download .svg elements loaded in after clicking their corresponding icons from the following webpage. That said, the plugin only downloads 9 of them at a time.