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Superpower ChatGPT

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ChatGPT with Superpowers! Folders, Search, GPT Store, Image Gallery, Voice GPT, Export, Custom Prompts, Prompt Chains, Hidden Models

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ New Pro Feature: 🤑 GPT Store. Powered by Superpower ChatGPT. The very first GPT store right inside ChatGPT. Discover new custom GPTs and try them with one click! 📝 Notes: Save notes for each chat and access them later. Synced across devices and can be searched 🌉 Image Gallery: Now you can see all your images in one place. Read the prompt, search images, download all images, and more... 🔄 Automatic Sync: Automatically Sync all your settings, folders, custom prompts, prompt chains and history across all your devices 🔊 Voice GPT: Now you can have a conversation with ChatGPT on your computer. Text-to-Speech and Speech-to-Text. Support for multiple languages. 🖱️ Right click menu: Easily access and run all your custom prompts, on any website, from the right click menu. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ ★ Chat Management for ChatGPT: • 🗂 Folders and reordering for your chats: Create folders easily and organize your chats in folders. Assign a different color to each folder. Drag and drop files to reorder them or add/remove them to folders. Pin folders at the top. Drop a file in the Trash to automatically delete it. • 🔁 Auto Sync: Never lose your chats. Automatically sync a copy of all your chats for ChatGPT DB to your computer • 🔁 Auto Delete: Option to automatically delete old messages • 🏎️ Quick Sync: Select the option to only sync the last 100 chats in your history for best performance • 📥 Export: Select and Export any number of your chats from ChatGPT into multiple formats (.txt, .json, .md) • 🔎 Search and Highlight: Search through all your previous chats on ChatGPT and highlight results for quick review • 📌 Pinned Messages: Pin important messages in each conversation and quickly access them using our quick navigation sidebar • 🗑️ Group Deletion: Select and delete a group of chats on ChatGPT • 🗃 Archived chats: Easily see the chats you have deleted previously. • 🕰️ Timestamps: Timestamps for all chats. Easily switch between "last updated" and "created" time • 🔻More sidebar space: Easily minimize the bottom section of the ChatGPT sidebar for more space to see your conversation list • 🕵️‍♀️ Incognito Mode: Chat with History Off and continue it later ★ Prompt Management for ChatGPT: • ⛓️ Prompt Chains: Save a series of prompts as a prompt chain. Then run each prompt in the prompt chain one by one with a single click • ⚡️ Auto Complete Menu: Simply type @ or # to open a menu of all your custom prompts or prompt chains right above the input box • 🔙 Input History: Every prompt you have ever used in ChatGPT is saved privately on your computer. Click on My Prompt History to scroll through all your prompt history, mark them as favorites, or share them with the community • 🔼🔽 Quick Access: Just use the Up/Down Arrow key in the input box to go through your previous prompts • ⭐ Favorite prompts: Mark your prompts as favorite in your prompt history • 📄 Prompt templates: put words inside {{double curly brackets}} in your prompt, and you'll be asked to replace them before submitting the prompt • 🔍 Search Function: Easily search through your prompt history and hundreds of prompt examples from the ChatGPT community • 📜 Community Prompts: Get inspiration from hundreds of other prompts created by the Community and share your prompts too. Upvote, downvote, and report prompts, and sort them by the most used or most upvoted. Filter prompts by category and language • 🎨 Preset prompt management: Add as many preset custom prompts as you like and quickly access them with a click of a button • 🔗 Prompt Sharing: Easily share a direct link to the community prompt on ChatGPT with a single click ★ Language and Style for ChatGPT: • 🌍 Language Selection: Change the response language with one click (Supports over 190 different languages) • 🎭 Tone and Style: Change the Tone and the Writing style of the Response ★ Utilities for ChatGPT: • 📝 Notes: Save notes for each chat and access them later. Synced across devices and can be searched • 👥 Custom Instruction Profiles: Why create only one Custom Instruction on ChatGPT when you can easily create and save multiple profiles and quickly access them with a click of a button • ✂️ Auto Splitter: Automatically split your long input into smaller chunks and send them to ChatGPT individually. 🗒 Auto summarize: Using the power of auto-splitter, your long text will be summarized into a shorter version so you can ask question • 📏 Custom Conversation Width: Adjust the width of the conversation on ChatGPT to your liking 🔄 Smart Replace: Automatically replace pre-defined phrases with longer text as you type prompts • 🖱️ Auto Click: Automatically click on the default custom prompt button at the end of each response • 👉 Custom Instruction: Don't repeat yourself. Automatically add a custom instruction to the end of each prompt • 📊 Word and Character Count: Add the word and character counters to both the user input and the responses • 🎛 Model Switcher: Easily change the model (GPT-4, GPT-3.5, etc.) in the middle of the conversation. Simply hover over the avatar icon to see what model was used for each response • 📋 Copy and Paste: Easily copy each chat with a click of a button and keep the formatting (support plain text, markdown, and HTML format) • 🕶️ Copy Mode: Setting to copy either both user input and response or only the chat response • ⌨️ Short keys: Quickly access your most used features using our growing list of short keys • ➡️⬅️ Open/close the sidebar for more space on smaller screens • 🔒 Safe Mode: Disabled ChatGPT moderation by default when Auto-Sync is ON • ⏫⏬ Scroll to the top/bottom • 🆕 GPT4 Support: Support GPT4 and shows the number GPT4 requests made based on latest limit from OpenAI ★ Newsletter: • 📰 AI Newsletter: Read our popular daily AI newsletter right inside ChatGPT • 🗄️ Newsletter Archive: Access the newsletter archive and read all the previous versions ____________________________________________________________ ▶️ Watch our YouTube Channel for Tutorials and Tips ❓Read our FAQ document for more information: 📣 To stay up to date, join our discord channel:

4,0 sur 5956 avis

Google ne valide pas les avis. En savoir plus sur les résultats et les avis

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Mohamed Al Mahdi NAJIB23 juil. 2024

très pratique pour structurer ses discussions avec chatGPT

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Thierry G' (t -_- g)1 mars 2024

👍 Nickel . . . Bien pratique & très efficace ! La plateforme est tres fournis en fonctionalités et c tout parfait . . . Mille MERCI's 👌

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Christian Maingret9 févr. 2024

Un outil excellent, offrant un gain de temps significatif.


  • Version
  • Dernière mise à jour
    25 juillet 2024
  • Taille
  • Langues
  • Développeur
    Fancy Dino
    651 N Broad St suite 206 Middletown, DE 19709-6400 US
    Site Web
  • Professionnel
    Ce développeur s'est identifié comme professionnel selon la définition de l'Union européenne.


Superpower ChatGPT a fourni les informations suivantes sur la collecte et l'utilisation de vos données. Pour en savoir plus, consultez les Règles de confidentialité du développeur.

Superpower ChatGPT gère les éléments suivants :

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Ce développeur déclare que vos données :

  • Ne seront pas vendues à des tiers en dehors des cas d'utilisation approuvés.
  • Ne seront ni utilisées ni transférées à des fins sans rapport avec la fonctionnalité de base de l'article.
  • Ne seront ni utilisées ni transférées pour déterminer votre solvabilité ou en vue de vous proposer un prêt.


Pour obtenir de l'aide concernant des questions, des suggestions ou des problèmes, consultez le site d'assistance du développeur.

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