Super Sharp - Spletna trgovina Chrome
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Super Sharp

Posnetek zaslona predstavnosti elementa 1


All you need to do is touch any part of a shape to the goal square that matches its color, and then the level will be complete and…

All you need to do is touch any part of a shape to the goal square that matches its color, and then the level will be complete and you’ll move on to the next. It may sound simple, and at first it is. Mechanically, all you have to do is drag your finger across the screen to “slice” and then let gravity do the rest

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  • Različica
  • Posodobljeno
    7. marec 2016
  • Ponudnik
    Gkoned Inc
  • Velikost
  • Jeziki
    Št. jezikov: 39
  • Nisem posrednik
    Ta izdajatelj se ni opredelil kot posrednik. Potrošniki v Evropski uniji morate upoštevati, da potrošniške pravice za pogodbe, sklenjene med vami in tem razvijalcem, ne veljajo.


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