Summary Killer
Imagen del logotipo del elemento para Summary Killer

Summary Killer

ExtensiónHerramientas4 usuarios
Elemento multimedia: captura de pantalla (4)
Elemento multimedia: captura de pantalla (1)
Elemento multimedia: captura de pantalla (2)
Elemento multimedia: captura de pantalla (3)
Elemento multimedia: captura de pantalla (4)
Elemento multimedia: captura de pantalla (1)
Elemento multimedia: captura de pantalla (1)
Elemento multimedia: captura de pantalla (2)
Elemento multimedia: captura de pantalla (3)
Elemento multimedia: captura de pantalla (4)

Descripción general

Summarizes the content of the current tab

Description: Are you overwhelmed with endless online articles, blogs, and web pages, wishing you could get concise summaries at the click of a button? Enter "Summary Killer," the ultimate Chrome extension that simplifies web content for you instantly! Features: Instant Summaries: Navigate to any web page and with a simple click, "Summary Killer" extracts the essence of lengthy content, providing you with a succinct summary. No more wading through unnecessary details; get straight to the point. Secure Sign-In with Google: Access advanced features by signing in securely with your Google account. We value your privacy, ensuring that your data remains protected and is never shared. Personalized Summaries: Want to save summaries for later? Give them a custom title, save, and revisit whenever you want. Your summarized content is neatly organized and is just a click away. Efficient Search: Easily search through your saved summaries by title, ensuring you quickly find the information you're looking for. User-Friendly Interface: "Summary Killer" boasts a clean, intuitive UI that's easy to navigate. Summarizing web content has never been this effortless. Privacy-Centric: We believe in transparency. Our detailed privacy notice informs you about the data we collect and how we use it. Rest assured, your personal information is used solely to enhance your user experience and is not shared with third parties. Why Install Summary Killer?: Save Time: In today's fast-paced digital world, time is of the essence. Instead of spending hours reading, get quick summaries and consume information faster. Stay Organized: Keep track of important content by saving and titling summaries. A handy tool for students, researchers, and professionals. Ease of Use: No complex setups or configurations. Install, click, and summarize—it's that simple. Trustworthy: Built with user privacy in mind, "Summary Killer" ensures your data remains confidential and secure. Plus, our dedicated team provides continuous updates, ensuring optimal performance. Enhance Productivity: Instead of getting bogged down by lengthy articles, get straight to the core insights, making your web browsing more productive and efficient. In the vast sea of online content, "Summary Killer" is your beacon, guiding you to the most relevant information swiftly and efficiently. Enhance your browsing experience, stay informed, and make the most of your time. Install "Summary Killer" now and transform the way you consume web content!

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  • Versión
  • Actualizado
    29 de septiembre de 2023
  • Ofrecido por
  • Tamaño
  • Idiomas
    English (United States)
  • Desarrollador
    Correo electrónico
  • No operador
    Este desarrollador no se ha identificado como operador. Los consumidores residentes en la Unión Europea deben tener en cuenta que los derechos de los consumidores no son aplicables a los contratos que suscriban con este desarrollador.


Summary Killer ha revelado la siguiente información sobre la recogida y el uso de tus datos.

Summary Killer gestiona lo siguiente:

Información personal identificable
Información de autenticación
Comunicaciones personales
Actividad del usuario
Contenido del sitio web

Este desarrollador declara que tus datos:

  • No se venden a terceros, excepto en los casos de uso aprobados
  • No se usan ni se transfieren para fines no relacionados con la función principal del elemento.
  • No se usan ni se transfieren para determinar la situación crediticia ni para ofrecer préstamos.
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