Suite Peningkatan Google Meet - Kedai Web Chrome
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Suite Peningkatan Google Meet

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Gambaran keseluruhan

40 ciri baharu untuk Google Meet seperti redamkan semua, alih keluar semua, auto admit, emoji, cermin video, warna latar belakang…

Meet Enhancement Suite improves the Google Meet experience with a set of over 40 features and smart defaults. Join over 300,000 remote workers who are using Meet Enhancement Suite to make their work from home lives easier. BASIC FEATURES • Push to Talk: quickly mute and unmute yourself with the press of a key • Auto Join: skip the join screen and get straight to the meeting • Auto Join with Participants: automatically join the Meet only if participants are present • Quick Leave: quickly leave a hangout by pressing Shift + K • [NEW] Return to home screen on leave: automatically returns you to the Meet home screen after leaving a Meet • Leave Confirmation: asks to confirm when you try to leave a meeting • Always Play Chimes: always hear chime sounds when participants join and leave, or a when a new chat message is received • Open Meet links in desktop app: automatically open Google Calendar Meet links directly in our Google Meet desktop app • Quick Start: quickly start a new Google Meet with the click of a button • Set Background Color: set custom background color for your Meet • Auto Captions: automatically enable captions on calls • Auto Mute: auto mute microphone on join • Auto Video Off: set video to off on join • Pin Bottom Bar: pins the control bar to the bottom of the screen • Participant Video Style: show or hide participant names and speaking icons PRO FEATURES • Auto Record: automatically start recording the Meet when you join (requires Google Workspace plan) • Sort Participant List: adds toggle to sort the participant list by last name • Meet Attendance: collect attendance of participants / students who attended your meeting and export to a CSV • Auto-Unmute: stop others from muting your mic • Speaker Highlight: adds a colored border around speaking participants • Find Active Meet Tab: click the extension icon to find the active Meet tab • Quick Emoji Reactions: adds quick emoji shortcuts to the chat window • Meeting Timer: displays a meeting timer in top menu bar • Toggle Bottom Bar: toggle the bottom control bar to appear or disappear • Mirror Videos: mirror all videos in the Meet • Auto Admit New Entrants: automatically admit all new entrants (see FAQ below for more details) • Auto Deny New Entrants: automatically denies all new entrants (see FAQ below for more details) • Mute All: mute all participants in a Meet with a single click (see FAQ below for more details) • Remove All: remove all participants in a Meet with a single click (see FAQ below for more details) • Do Not Disturb Mode: remain focused muting all Meet sounds, and hiding new comments and participant pop-ups • Picture-in-Picture: view a participants video in a hovering video on top of your screen • Dark Mode: give your eyes a rest by turning Google Meet into dark mode. • Hotkey Editing: customize your push-to-talk hotkey • Hide "Add Others" pop-up: hides "Add Others" pop-up when joining a Meet • Auto Pin Chat: automatically open and pin the chat every time you join a Meet • Transparent Bar: make the bottom bar transparent so it doesn't cut off participants videos • Auto Hide Top Bar: hides away the top menu bar when the bottom bar disappear • Auto Copy Meet URL: automatically copy Meet URL to clipboard • Auto-Full Screen on Presentation: automatically sets your Meet window to full-screen when someone begins presenting • Hide Mute Pop-up: hides the "Are you speaking" pop-up from appearing when muted • Display Clock: always display the clock in the top right hand corner of Google Meet Learn more about Meet Pro on our website: ROADMAP We plan to continue building even more features we think you're going to love. Check out our roadmap to see what's coming next: PRIVACY Please view our privacy policy for more information: HOW TO USE 1) Install the Chrome extension 2) Click our black icon in the top right of your browser to configure your settings 3) Join a Google Meet and enjoy your new features! FEEDBACK AND FEATURE REQUESTS We'd love to hear your feedback or features requests – head over to CHANGE LOG Head over to this page to view our change log: FAQ Please see our FAQ for answers to our most commonly asked questions: --- Created by Corey Pollock (@cpollo01) and Keyfer Mathewson (@keyfermath)

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    21 Mei 2024
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