Strike Zombies Offline Shooting Game - Chrome Web Store
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Strike Zombies Offline Shooting Game

9 beoordelingen

ExtensieGames4.000 gebruikers
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Je moet de zombies vernietigen voordat je uit het leven raakt, de sleutel vinden en doorgaan naar het volgende niveau.

You have to escape or destroy all the zombies as the zombies come at you. You must unlock the doors by finding the key on the track and you have to go to the next level. Each level will be more difficult than the previous level. Zombie-themed games always attract a lot of attention. These are among the most entertaining games where action and strategic thinking come together. If you want to be in an epic war against zombies, Strike Zombies Shooting is for you. Strike Zombies Shooting takes place in a zombie-infested city with breathtaking graphics. You aim to escape this city full of zombies and advance to the next level. Of course, this is more challenging than you think. You have to fight against all the zombies you come across, find the key hidden among these zombies, and then reach a safe door and get the right to move on to the next level. Each new level in the game presents you with different challenges. While you only encounter a few zombies at first, this number increases as you progress. For this reason, you must be careful and fast in each level and neutralize the zombies by making good shots. But remember, you only have five lives. Therefore, your survival needs to act strategically and stay away from zombies. How To Play It is played with the mouse. Strike Zombies Shooting Game Features ✓ Realistic Level ✓ Easy use control ✓ HD Graphics ✓ Quality Particle Strike Zombies Shooting Game extension does not contain any hidden ads. In this way, you can fully experience the game and have a pleasant time. This game with great graphics has been designed for you with every detail in mind. Help and Contact Contact with us at and share your thoughts and problems.

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  • Versie
  • Geüpdatet
    1 september 2023
  • Grootte
  • Talen
    44 talen
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